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President David Barnard, Rob Parker & Chris McCann // Photos by Mike Latschislaw

Awards of Excellence celebrates university staff

Over 70 people recognized in individual and team awards

June 27, 2017 — 

Staff winner of this year’s President’s Award calls it “an extra special bonus.” Rob Parker, LAN coordinator, Faculty of Arts, was presented the award as part of the university’s annual Awards of Excellence on June 16. “I feel lucky to work in an office where I feel appreciated,” he added.

The afternoon reception was hosted by President and Vice-Chancellor David Barnard, with over 70 university staff receiving awards. Staff members are awarded for their leadership, exceptional service, advancement of accessibility and inclusion and collaborative teamwork.

“I want to thank you for your great work,” said Barnard. “Your contributions make the U of M a better place.” He encouraged the continuation of teamwork and collaboration through “creating the moment for another point of view to start the duet,” quoting lines by poet Derek Beaulieu.

Speeches, laughter, U of M jazz musicians and food by dining services were all part of the celebration at Marshall McLuhan Hall in University Centre.

“This event is wonderful,” said Emily DiNoto, dining services, who won the Service Award. “I’ve been at the U of M for 22 years and I feel like my co-workers are my extended family.”

The sentiment was echoed by Gail Langlais, director of career services and winner of the Leadership Award. “I work with so many amazing people and I have a wonderful team that carries through on many projects and make things happen! It’s not my award, but our award.”

The enthusiasm continued through the event, with speakers noting characteristics that distinguished award recipients, such as positivity, enthusiasm, diligence, thoughtfulness and collaboration.

This year, team awards were presented to the distance delivery team, the Faculty of Social Work, security services patrol guards and St. John’s College general office staff.

The Awards of Excellence, organized by learning and organizational development, human resources, ties into the university’s strategic plan, Taking Our Place, with the emphasis on developing a “culture of leadership and teamwork among our staff” and “building a culture of inclusion.”

For a full listing of award recipients, visit the human resources website.

To read about other employee and organizational development programs, download the Human Resources Annual Report.

For questions about the Awards of Excellence program, contact David Grad, programs coordinator, learning and organizational development, human resources, at 204-474-8468 or

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