Live Well @Work celebrates faculty and staff health and wellness
Free events at Fort Garry and Bannatyne campus, June 19 to 23
If you’ve ever thought about exploring mindfulness, wondered about Indigenous teachings, or wanted to up your yoga game or improve your life-work balance, you should plan to attend this year’s Live Well @Work.
Mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and social well-being will be celebrated during the week of June 19 to 23. The annual event draws on educational and health and wellness resources available at the U of M and is open to all university staff and faculty.
All are invited to workshops on men’s health, how to handle loss and bereavement and Medicine Wheel teachings. For those who enjoy the outdoors, there is a nature walk with the office of sustainability and outdoor yoga.
New this year is the workshop series ‘UM Researcher Spotlight’ that showcases the research of U of M professors, such as post-concussion syndrome, depression and Alzheimer’s, self-compassion and its influence on health behaviors and how to achieve flow — the state of being fully immersed in an experience.
A wellness fair at both campuses will feature booths from external stakeholders and U of M departments. Also included are prize draws, such as two tickets to a Jets game, coffee and refreshments.
Most events run between 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m., and this year, participants are encouraged to book their attendance at a workshop as training/professional development.
“We invite all supervisors to encourage their staff to attend a Live Well @Work event,” says Gregory Juliano, associate vice-president (human resources). “Getting tips on health and wellness and networking with colleagues is time well-spent in a workday.”
The Live Well @ Work week at the U of M has been created to acknowledge the ‘whole selves’ that faculty and staff bring to work each day. This is the third year for the event and it has grown in popularity, last year attracting over 500 participants.
Ultimately, Live Well @Work ties into the overall Live Well initiative, a webhub that gathers health and wellness resources at the U of M, and Success through Wellness: U of M’s Mental Health Strategy. Together, these efforts support the university’s goal to create an outstanding learning and working environment.
“We are dedicated to supporting and engaging our faculty and staff, and to creating a healthy and outstanding community,” adds Juliano. “Partnering with community members has allowed us to present a fun and impressive line-up at the Live Well @ Work week.”
“Take advantage of this packed week of interesting events, which will not only introduce to you various areas of expertise at the U of M — but also leave you feeling refreshed and energized.”
Events run June 19 to 23, Monday to Friday, at both the Fort Garry and Bannatyne campus. Please note that some events might change or new events might be added, so check the website for the latest information!
Events that require registration are highlighted.
To indicate your attendance as training/professional development, use the timecode 2520 on your timesheet.
If you have any questions, please contact the co-coordinator of Live Well @Work week Arlana Vadnais, employee wellness specialist and campus mental health facilitator, human resources and student support, 204-474-8323 or Arlana.vadnais@umanitoba.ca

Donna Rutkowski and Meera Thadani of the University Centre Pharmacy at
their booth in University Centre.