Spring Convocation 2021 News Archive

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management
Spring Convocation 2021
June 17, 2021 —
The Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management's class of 2021 graduates June 17 at UM's virtual Spring Convocation

Message to graduating students from Laurie M. Schnarr, Vice-Provost (Students)
June 16, 2021 —
'Our communities near and far will be the benefactors of your knowledge, skill, and abilities; your vision for a just future; your courage; and your tenacity'

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
Rady Faculty Class of 2021 celebrates Spring Convocation virtually
June 15, 2021 —
For the second year in a row, graduates at the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences had their Spring Convocation online, viewing the celebration on screen rather than in person. But that didn’t dampen the spirits of the 387 graduates, their families and other supporters at the June 15 ceremony.

The 142nd UM Spring Convocation 2021
June 15, 2021 —
Recognizing and honouring this year’s graduating class of 4,421 students

Congratulations to the recipient of the 2021 Olive Beatrice Stanton Award for Excellence in Teaching
June 15, 2021 —
Sarah Ciurysek brings a powerful and positive combination of support and challenge to her students of photography, multimedia and land-based art

Spring Convocation 2021: Meet the Governor General medal recipients
June 15, 2021 —
Meet some of the incredible members of the University of Manitoba’s class of 2021

Congratulations to the recipient of the 2021 Dr. and Mrs. H.H. Saunderson Award for Excellence in Teaching
June 15, 2021 —
A dedicated teacher, Dr. Jason Peeler has delivered clinically relevant teaching of the highest quality to diverse programs at the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

President’s address to Class of 2021
June 15, 2021 —
'The world as we know it is changing before our very eyes and you have an opportunity to shape this new world with your sense of global justice, your ideas and passions'

Chancellor addresses graduates
June 15, 2021 —
'You are extraordinary students, forged during extraordinary times'

Faculty of Arts
Meet the 2021 Faculty of Arts Gold Medal Recipients
June 15, 2021 —
The Faculty of Arts is pleased to present the 2021 undergraduate academic medal winners