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Stan Pauley is the CEO of Carpenter Company that produces polyurethane foam and chemicals and polyester fiber used as cushioning by the automotive, bedding, floor covering, packaging, and furniture industries. Photo/Andrew Shurtleff

Thanks to $5 million gift electrical engineering is growing again!

December 1, 2015 — 

Electrical engineering students and faculty will have a brand new facility, housing graduate and undergraduate laboratories, faculty offices, and graduate student study space thanks to a transformational gift from Stanley and Dorothy Pauley.

The Pauleys have committed $5 million to the Faculty of Engineering to support a new building.

“I received an excellent education at the University of Manitoba,” says Stanley Pauley [B.Sc. (Electrical Engineering)/1949]. “This enables me to provide financial assistance to help expand as well as to improve the facilities that will positively affect the shaping of future generations of Electrical Engineering students. It gives me great pleasure to do so.”

Stanley and Dorothy Pauley

Stanley and Dorothy Pauley

This gift is in support of the Front and Centre campaign and it is Pauley’s second transformational gift to the university. In 2011, he gave $4.19 million to renovate and refurbish existing laboratories to create the Stanley Pauley Centre, a state-of-the-art electrical engineering research and teaching facility.

“Once again, we thank Mr. Pauley for his continued and transformational support of our university,” says David Barnard, President and Vice-Chancellor at the University of Manitoba. “His contributions ensure that our outstanding students and faculty have the best equipment in the best laboratories – an investment not only in our students’ success, but in our province’s success as well.”

The results of Pauley’s $5-million commitment will begin to take shape in late 2017, when the Music Annex building is demolished to make room for the new facility. Although his gift can fully fund the building—one of the only gifts in the university’s history to do so—the university aims to leverage his investment to inspire other donors to support the project, which will allow for a larger building to be constructed.

“The new building will enable our Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering to stay at the forefront of teaching and research excellence,” says Jonathan Beddoes, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. “Mr. Pauley’s generosity will enable us to educate students and undertake research on issues important to Manitoba and beyond, for example more efficient power systems, renewable energy technologies and communication systems. The engineering capacity that Mr. Pauley is creating is central to the future wellbeing of our students and Manitoba.”

Pauley’s gift announcement comes on Giving Tuesday, a new Canadian movement for giving and volunteering, taking place each year after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The “opening day of the giving season,” it is a day where charities, companies and individuals join together to share commitments and rally for important causes.

This gift supports Places and Spaces, one of five pillars of the Front and Centre campaign. The University of Manitoba is committed to raising $150 million for new and improved facilities across our campuses, enhancing our community’s quality through new environments for learning, discovery, and engagement.


Front and Centre: The Campaign for the University of Manitoba

Research at the University of Manitoba is partially supported by funding from the Government of Canada Research Support Fund.

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