UM Today UM Today University of Manitoba UM Today UM Today UM Today
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UM Today
an illiutsrtion of birch trees in snow

Illustration by Kaitlin O'Toole

Editors pick their top stories of 2018

December 20, 2018 — 

T’was a good year for UM Today, with stories about whale snot and galaxies and breakthrough discovers that improve children’s health. You can find some those on our other year-end lists. For now, here’s the editors’ picks, chosen becasue they inspire hope, bring a smile, or make you learn something useful, like how to prevent your computer from catching fire. 

Thanks for a great 2018. We’ll see you in 2019. 


A combine mowing wheatMillennial Farmers

Exploring the push—and pushback—of technology on the family farm, and how one young ranching couple (who met on an “Aggies” pub crawl) is finding their own way. Read more. 

There’s never a bad time to prevent a computer fire

Risk Management would like to spread awareness regarding the safe use of charging devices. Read more. 

One Night

Walk with alumnus Mitch Bourbonniere, who knows that a life’s work is more than what we do for a living. He helped create the Bear Clan foot patrol so Winnipeg’s most vulnerable aren’t alone in the cold. From a career, he found a calling. Read more. 


Cannabis sativa

Unraveling cannabis’ genetic history and debunking marketing myths

A Q&A with a biologist who sequenced its genome. Read more. 

A parking story we can get behind

Mobile app makes it easy for students, staff, and visitors to pay for parking from their mobile devices. Read more. 

Re-Shop: Hidden treasures and thousands of dollars saved

Discover rows of pristine office desks, gleaming filing cabinets, a huge variety of comfortable office chairs, and maybe even stumble upon some strange yet wonderful treasure. Read more. 


Research at the University of Manitoba is partially supported by funding from the Government of Canada Research Support Fund.

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