The Honourable Janice Filmon [BScHEc/63, LLD/11] will honour five Manitobans on Sept. 8
Three alumni honoured by Lieutenant-Governor
Lt.-Gov. Janice C. Filmon presented the Lieutenant Governor’s Historical Preservation and Promotion awards to five Manitobans on Sept. 8, three of whom are UM alumni.
The honourees were recognized for their prolonged, meritorious service in the preservation and promotion of the province’s history and heritage.
The UM alumni—John Burchill [ExEd/03, JD/10], Gail Perry [LLB/82], and Shirley Render [BA/64, MA/84]—were celebrated alongside Jean Ammeter and Gordon Crossley.
“In every community, in every city and town, there are individuals who devote their time and expertise to preserving documents, creating historical studies, restoring or maintaining historical buildings and artifacts, bringing the past to life in schools, museums and historic sites, and advocating for historical understanding,” said Lt.-Gov. Filmon, herself a UM alumnus.
“The dedication of the five individuals being honored is even more meaningful in this, the 150th anniversary of the province’s entry into confederation. It is a pleasure to celebrate their commitment to ensuring Manitoba’s rich history is kept alive.”