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psychology News Archive

(L-R) Zaman Wahid (computer engineering student at Bangladesh University) and Mercy Oluwafemi (U of M psychology student) in front of ACU.

Student leaders promote respect and understanding around the world

January 15, 2018 — 
Enlightening. In a word that is how psychology student Mercy Oluwafemi would describe the leadership program she attended this past December in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Jessica Cameron delivers the 2017 Outstanding Professor Award public talk on the topic of self-esteem

Faculty of Arts

Arts celebrates excellence at outstanding professor talk

November 20, 2017 — 
Professor Jessica Cameron delivered a public lecture to showcase her research as part of the 2017 Outstanding Professor Award.

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Virginia Tze

Faculty of Education

Your attention, please!

November 15, 2017 — 
Dr. Virginia Tze hopes this story seizes your attention and holds it to the last word. But if your interest drifts into flights of fancy, she might be interested to know why.

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(L-R) Katelin Neufeld and Dr. Krishnamurti Dakshinamurti.

Social change: are you doing it right?

June 9, 2017 — 
Katelin Neufeld [MA/14] is the inaugural recipient of the Mahatma Gandhi Scholarship in Human Rights

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Meghan Payment as Student Emcee during 2015 Info Days.

From here … we lead

May 9, 2017 — 
For Meghan Payment, a 2013 Loran Scholar and Psychology and Indigenous Studies major, studying at the U of M has provided her with learning opportunities far beyond the classroom

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Canada Goose

Why you should duck from that goose

April 17, 2017 — 
The nesting of geese on campus is only the first part of the problem.

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Beyond Harms: Public health and the end of cannabis prohibition, public lecture

March 16, 2017 — 
Lecture to focus on on the health effects of cannabis, and the implications for drug policy more generally

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A list of resolutions

Why we fail at New Year resolutions

January 6, 2017 — 
A psychologist offers his take on the matter, and three tips


David Barber, Rh Award

Faculty and alumni appointed to Order of Canada

January 3, 2017 — 
Gov. Gen. David Johnston recently announced new appointments to the Order of Canada

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Mikayla Preete

Unexpected career trajectory hits target

November 28, 2016 — 
'Student scholarships make even more of a difference than you think. For me, it was the lessening the stress due to a financial burden'

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