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Desautels Faculty of Music News Archive

Laura loewen and Dawn Bruch-Wiens

Desautels Faculty of Music

World Premiere Performance Featuring Historic Manitoba Bank Robbery

November 9, 2021 — 
Flipside Opera & Art Song Collective, in partnership with GroundSwell, present “Bloody Jack”

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Desautels Faculty of Music

From science to the Desautels Faculty of Music

October 26, 2021 — 
Keely was able to explore her Indigenous background while studying

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Desautels Faculty of Music

From saxophonist to professional country skier

October 21, 2021 — 
A career as a professional saxophonist begins begins in under a month for Connor

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Desautels Faculty of Music

Kyle Briscoe is ready to expand his portfolio and experience as a musician

October 19, 2021 — 
Through music Kyle has built a community and helped others be the best versions of themselves

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Faculty of Architecture

Graphic Scores

October 7, 2021 — 
In collaboration with the School of Music, Master of Interior Design students create a composition and performance of a piece of music by utilizing techniques and structures of contemporary music such as unconventional performance and vocal techniques, modified instruments and sound sources other than conventional musical instruments.

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Student playing violin

Desautels Faculty of Music

Join us for our Virtual Open House 2021

October 6, 2021 — 
Learn all about our academic offerings, financial services, admissions, student life and more

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Artistic rendering of the new Desautels Concert Hall // Image: Cibinel Architecture

Construction begins on Desautels Concert Hall

September 23, 2021 — 
Construction of the stunning new Desautels Concert Hall, an innovative and unique performance venue for Winnipeg, was officially announced at a UM Homecoming event

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Desautels Faculty of Music

There is nothing that Selene Sharpe can’t do

June 28, 2021 — 
From running to singing to acting to studying, Selene Sharpe is a marvel, and a real Renaissance woman.

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Desautels Faculty of Music

The Desautels Faculty of Music premieres Roan Shankaruk’s ‘The Fox’

June 24, 2021 — 
The multi-talented Roan Shankaruk brings DH Lawrence's tale to life in an opera exploring gender, sexuality, and war.

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Three people dance in an illustrative photographic image with lines drawn over their movements.


Pandemic performance

June 24, 2021 — 
How a cross-faculty collaboration proves social distancing is no match for creativity.

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