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Faculty of Science News Archive

University students and kids on both sides of a table with microscopes while some kids are looking through the microscopes and some university students are explaining or showing the science experiments to kids.

Faculty of Science

Volunteer for Science Rendezvous 2024

March 10, 2024 — 
Volunteer for Science Rendezvous 2024 because we can't do this without you and this is the event you're going to remember you volunteered for, made friendships and connections with your peers, faculty and staff, and got Experience Record once you spent more than 10 hours volunteering.

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Dr. Ute Kothe.

Dr. Ute Kothe receives Lifetime Service Award

March 7, 2024 — 
Incoming Dean of Extended Education recognized by RNA Society for achievements in the field

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ORCiD Connecting Research and Researchers


ORCID makes researcher profile creation easy

March 1, 2024 — 
ORCID — which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID — is a non-profit organization that provides unique, digital identifiers (ORCID iD) with associated profiles. Your ORCID profile contains your affiliation, education, professional associations, scholarly works, peer review, and more. Increasingly, granting agencies and journal publishers require researchers to have an ORCID iD.

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Janine Carmichael welcoming participants to the Sprint to Innovate Networking and Training Event.

Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning

Building innovation skills

February 27, 2024 — 
Eighteen University of Manitoba students participated in the 4th annual Sprint to Innovate. This unique weekend event brings together post-secondary students from Winnipeg to learn about and practice innovation skills.

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Research and International

SET Day welcomes 188 students from record-breaking 35 schools to UM research labs

February 26, 2024 — 
On Wednesday February 21, 188 Manitoba high school students visited UM for Science Engineering and Technology (SET) Day.

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A kid with a grey t-shirt and cap standing in the middle of a large bubble created around him by a student wearing a red shirt with soap and hula loop in front of the science buildings complex outside on the grass with kids and other people in the background.

Faculty of Science

UM brings home Science Rendezvous STEAM Big! Award

February 26, 2024 — 
Creating the most remarkable event of the year for Winnipeggers to rendezvous with science is a huge responsibility. One that the University of Manitoba and the University of Winnipeg joined forces to take on last year and excelled at. Together they won the Science Rendezvous 2023 STEAM Big! award.

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St. John's College

Balancing athletics and computer science with St John’s student membership 

February 26, 2024 — 
Balancing academics and athletics can be quite a feat, but Yinka Odeleye, a computer science student, appears to have mastered it as he finishes his first year as a Bison athlete.   

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Photo of Munashe Nhunzwi, a Black student with a red and white sweatshirts on, smiling at the camera.

Faculty of Science

The power of working in labs and having the right information

February 20, 2024 — 
Munashe Nhunzwi is a 4-year Biochemistry Co-op major who has also worked in Dr. Sabine Kuss's lab in the department of chemistry. In this interview, she shares the importance of working in a lab and developing experiments from scratch. She mentions lack of or delayed access to the correct information to be one of the main challenges for students when it comes to their studies and says she is determined to support prospective students with her knowledge as everyone “deserve[s] the correct information and the right guidance for their journey in university.”

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Dr. Brian Mark, Dean, Faculty of Science Professor, Department of Microbiology

Faculty of Science

Pork, pathogens and progress: A close look at PRRSV research

February 15, 2024 — 
The pork industry provides people across different cultures a considerable source of protein, essential nutrients and a versatile ingredient for diverse culinary traditions. So, when the problem of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection in the pork industry results in an economic loss of $650 million annually in the United States, finding a solution is of critical significance. A diverse group of researchers at the Faculty of Science and Princeton University has recently published a paper sharing their discovery on better understanding and managing PRRSV.

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The Winnipeg sign at The Forks lit blue and yellow in support of Ukraine | Photo courtesy of Mayor Brian Bowman

Faculty of Science

CBC The Current: Safe in Winnipeg, these Ukrainians still hold out hope for the war at home

February 12, 2024 — 
Safe in Winnipeg, these Ukrainians still hold out hope for the war at home

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