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Faculty of Science News Archive

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First-day enrolment at University of Manitoba remains high

September 7, 2017 — 
The number of students enrolled as of the first day of classes at the University of Manitoba was 29,185, the fifth consecutive year that first-day enrolment has exceeded 29,000 students

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Faculty of Science

Bullseye! Robotics lab hits the mark at Taiwan 2017 HuroCup

September 7, 2017 — 
The Autonomous Agents Laboratory in the University of Manitoba’s Department of Computer Science won big at last month’s FIRA HuroCup humanoid robot competition, walking away with three medals: two gold and one silver.

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Faculty of Science

Fall term is off to a great start!

September 6, 2017 — 
Over 500 newly admitted direct entry students participated in the first Science Orientation, Sept. 5 & 6.

Faculty of Science

Nothing But Blue Sky: How Research for Its’ Own Sake Can Change the World

September 6, 2017 — 
Barrie Reece, CPhys, FinstP, was a post graduate student in the 60s who invented a superconducting solenoid/magnet, that unbeknownst to him, would later become the basis of the design for the first MRI machines.

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Faculty of Science

Women in Science

September 5, 2017 — 
The Faculty of Science Homecoming event on September 12 will showcase breakthroughs in Science, but gender inequality for Women in STEM still exists.

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Faculty of Science

The making of “Persistence & Vision”: an adventure in both

September 1, 2017 — 
When BSc student Mahalia Lepage (Genetics, ‘16) was asked by STEAM Coordinator Seema Goel to create an animated video about undergrad research, she knew she had her work cut out for her. It wasn’t that Lepage lacked an interest in the subject; it’s that she had never actually done any animation before.

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U of M students receive Canada’s largest STEM scholarship

August 29, 2017 — 
Bailey Paziuk and Shayna Timmerman have been named the University of Manitoba’s recipients of the prestigious Schulich Leader Scholarships

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Partial solar eclipse image from October 2014 from Frank Carey/Flickr.

Solar eclipse viewing party set for Aug. 21

August 15, 2017 — 
The Faculty of Science at the University of Manitoba, in partnership with Degrees Restaurant in UMSU University Centre, will host a solar eclipse viewing party on the Degrees patio


a human brain

Researchers get cutting-edge equipment

August 15, 2017 — 
The University of Manitoba is receiving $480,000 from CFI for three projects

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Lake trout caught by researchers

Lake Trout adjust their behaviour in the face of a changing climate, new study

August 15, 2017 — 
For years scientists told tales of fish such as Lake Trout adapting their feeding behaviour as temperatures change, but no empirical evidence existed. Now it does.

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