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Faculty of Education News Archive

Faculty of Education

Wiens’s storied career celebrated during farewell evening

December 14, 2015 — 
His legacy will be his 'unrelenting commitment to our dialogue on education'

Faculty of Education

Phys. Ed. teaching earns rewards for Faculty of Education alumnus

December 4, 2015 — 
Castillo was a graduate of the Internationally Educated Teachers program

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Faculty of Education

Student well-being should be a focus in schools, conference told

December 1, 2015 — 
'Schooling is much more than simply academics. It is about developing contributing citizens who are well'

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Faculty of Education

Sistema Winnipeg: Music for social action

November 27, 2015 — 
'Unique orchestral program supports empowerment of culturally marginalized and economically disenfranchised children through music'

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Faculty of Education

New children’s literature text aims to provide inspiration for teachers’ book lists

November 24, 2015 — 
'This is maybe a starting point to constructing your own list of best books,' says Bryan


Faculty of Education

Faculty of Education grad students honoured

November 19, 2015 — 
Reception held for grad students who receive awards of more than $10,000 per year

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Student’s poster on audio files places third in poster competition

November 13, 2015 — 
Curtis Wiens used his Undergraduate Research Award work as basis for his poster

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Jacquie Dawson (centre) receives the Manitoba Band Association’s Award of Distinction from Bill Kristjanson and Simone Gendron.

Faculty of Education

Top recognition for music alumni

November 10, 2015 — 
Two alumni of the Desautels Faculty of Music have been recognized for their contributions to music education. Jacquie Dawson and Matt Abraham, both teaching music at Vincent Massey Collegiate, were honoured at TEMPO, the annual Manitoba Music Educators’ Association Conference in late October.


Faculty of Education

U of Arctic Network working to ‘enhance teacher education’ in the Arctic region, says visiting scholar

November 10, 2015 — 
Network also promotes student exchanges to the North

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Faculty of Education

Panel discussion held on challenges of diversifying the teaching workforce

November 5, 2015 — 
'Teachers should reflect the community they serve,' says panelist


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