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Equity Diversity and Inclusion News Archive

2019 Pride Parade.

Community discussion: Being Queer in the time of Covid-19

September 22, 2020 — 
Join us at 11:30 a.m. (CDT) on on Oct. 7, 2020, via Zoom for an open discussion

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Yik Au standing in a suit.

Asper School of Business

Diversity Research Awarded

September 9, 2020 — 
Asper Assistant Professor in Finance, Dr. Shiu-Yik (Yik) Au, and his co-investigator, Andréanne Tremblay from Université Lavalhave been awarded a prestigious Social Services and Humanities Council Research Insight Grant (SSHRC) Insight Grant to support their research on the impact discrimination has on firm value.

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Protest fist art on brick wall.

A message from President Michael Benarroch regarding Scholar Strike Canada

September 8, 2020 — 
The University of Manitoba is a community where we exchange ideas, where we shine a light on past actions and hard truths, and where we question established patterns.

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Disruption of all Forms of Racism policy approved

September 1, 2020 — 
On Tuesday, August 25, 2020, the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences’ Faculty Executive Council (FEC) approved the RFHS Disruption of all Forms of Racism policy, the first anti-racism policy to be passed by any faculty or post-secondary institution in Canada.

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Female holds smartphone in her hand, inputting text

Sexual Violence Resource Centre remains open to UM community

August 13, 2020 — 
As the university works towards a gradual return to campus, the Sexual Violence Resource Centre remains open and accessible to all in the UM community.

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An Indigenous student shaking hands with an Elder at the 2019 Traditional Graduation Pow Wow

“We must continue to actively listen to Indigenous voices”

June 17, 2020 — 
As my time as President and Vice-Chancellor nears its end, I am reminded of the many meaningful moments that I have been honoured to experience with the Indigenous community.

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Dr. Catherine Cook in Migizii Agamik

Recognizing Indigenous contributions and resiliency

June 16, 2020 — 
As I think about National Indigenous Peoples Day in relation to current global events, it is now more important than ever that everyone take the time to understand the history of this place we live, including the history before Manitoba became a province and Canada became a country

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NCTR Dialogues – Sharing Survivor Perspectives on Truth and Reconciliation

June 16, 2020 — 
To celebrate Pride month, the first NCTR Dialogue will discuss the topic Two-Spirit Reconciliation

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Faculty of Social Work

Our Fight Against Anti-Black Racism in Social Work

June 16, 2020 — 
The Faculty of Social Work at the University of Manitoba fully, and without reservation, supports the Canadian Association of Social Work Education (CASWE-ACFTS) Student Committee and the Race, Ethnicity, and Cultural Issues (RECI) caucus' Call to Action to "Fight Against Anti-Black Racism in Social Work."

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Faculty of Graduate Studies

A message to the Faculty of Graduate Studies community on racism

June 16, 2020 — 
Let us take this opportunity to do the important work of educating ourselves about historical and modern racism, and our roles in perpetuating racism culturally and systemically.

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