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Headshot of Braden Ganetsky on the left and text on the right that reads: UM 2020 and 2021 convocation celebration.

Meet the ’20 and ’21 grads (again) – Braden Ganetsky

Catching up with our graduates ahead of Convocation Celebration on March 11

March 7, 2023 — 

Community involvement was a vital part of Braden Ganetsky’s [BSc(ME)/21] UM experience. Upon graduating from UM in 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, he said, “The university experience is drastically better with a community, so I try my best to learn how to engage other people and make others feel welcome. Regardless of what program someone is studying, we are all just looking to find meaning in the world.” 

Post-graduation, Ganetsky still maintains that belief and remains in contact with the people on the WE (Wind Energy) Design team in the Price Faculty of Engineering. During his time at UM, he was the first Team Lead so he enjoys the opportunity to provide insight, participate in design reviews and serve as an advisor to the current team.  

“For me, going to school wasn’t really about my classes or getting my degree,” he says. “Of course, that was important, but I spent most of my time doing UMES (student council) or WE Design things. So, on top of getting my engineering degree, I also got experience in team building, management, event planning, communication, all of which I use in my job every day.” 

These skills are also useful to him in his participation in the Young Friends of Engineering group and in volunteering with Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba. He often jokes he has a team management and event planning degree that just happens to also be mechanical engineering. 

“The really great thing about university, and the Price Faculty of Engineering specifically, is that you can be a part of a team that’s building cool things. But even if you don’t want to be the one doing the actual building, there are roles on that team for management, social media, financial planning, sponsorship, which leads to you getting a well-rounded education.” 

Because community is so important to Ganetsky, he says it was really a no brainer for him to attend UM’s 2020 and 2021 Convocation Celebration. 

“I attended the Price Faculty of Engineering reception last year, which capped off my time in the faculty. But I also want to attend a convocation ceremony to hear my name called and get to walk across the stage in my cap and gown to bookend my time at university.” 

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