Inaugural inter-institutional meeting to focus on academic integrity
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning at the University of Manitoba will present the inaugural Academic Integrity Inter-Institutional Meeting (AIIIM) 2017 on Friday, June 2.
This teaching and learning event is open to post-secondary academic staff from across the province. The goal of the event is to share strategies and resources to help to provide students with the best possible learning experience — one that is centred on integrity. Academic integrity refers to a commitment to academic standards and embracing the values of honesty, trust, respect, fairness and responsibility and having the courage to act on these values.
Who should attend?
- Faculty and instructors
- Librarians
- Members of teaching and learning centres
- Administrators responsible for academic integrity policies and practices
Why participate?
- To share the ways your institution promotes academic integrity
- To share your ideas, expertise, successes and challenges around teaching and learning and academic integrity with colleagues from across Manitoba
- To learn from the experiences of your colleagues
- To discuss ways in which members from different institutions can collaborate on projects related to academic integrity
- To learn about opportunities to be involved in the planning and preparation of AIIIM 2018
To register to attend AIIIM 2017, visit umanitoba.ca/catl/aiiim.
Registration closes May 19, 2017. Registration will be capped at 50 participants.
Registration to attend and participate in the event is free. Refreshments and lunch will be served. To withdraw your registration, please send an email to AIIIM2017@umanitoba.ca with subject line “withdrawing registration from AIIIM2017.”
Submission of session abstracts
AIIIM 2017 also invites submission of session abstracts focused on the following broad topic areas:
- Institution-wide approaches to academic integrity, including topics related to the importance of academic integrity, promotion of academic integrity to students and academic staff, and policies and procedures.
- Faculty support for academic integrity, including topics related to teaching experiences around academic integrity, structuring courses/curricula to support academic integrity, and conversations about academic misconduct with students.
- Student support for academic integrity, including topics related to what instructors should know about how and why students do and do not cheat, the value of libraries as a student resource and issues that students from abroad face on our campuses.
Session abstracts will be accepted for three lead presentations and nine cracker barrel sessions. Completed Session Abstract Submission Forms should be submitted via email to AIIIM2017@umanitoba.ca.
AIIIM 2017 will take place in the Churchill/Boissevain Rooms (543/544) in University Centre.
For more information, see: http://intranet.umanitoba.ca/academic_support/catl/aiiim/