Flexible work program moves forward
Soft launch of ongoing program for support staff in Winter Term 2023
After an extensive consultation process, the University of Manitoba will move forward with an ongoing flexible work program for support staff. The new program will be similar to the informal flexible work arrangements and the two pilot programs run in Summer Term 2022 and Fall Term 2022, but with some additional structures and supports including a flexible work guide and increased training and management supports, along with assessment tools to gauge flexible-work suitability of roles, units and/or employees.
Like the previous informal flexible work program in 2022, flexible work means occasional or scheduled work arrangements that allow for a combination of on-campus work and at-home work. Employees can be approved for up to two days a week to work from home provided it is operationally feasible to do so.
Also like the previous informal flexible work program, the decision falls to Deans, Vice-Presidents, Associate Vice-Presidents and Vice-Provosts, who will decide when these arrangements can be accommodated, based on the operational needs of their unit(s).
A soft launch of the ongoing flexible work program in Winter Term 2023 will allow faculties and administrative units to assess their operational needs and determine their application and approval processes. Employees should be aware that approval under the interim flexible work arrangement does not guarantee approval under the new ongoing flexible work program.
Broad university-wide consultation included 11 focus groups with participants from 24 different faculties, colleges and administrative units. Additionally, an environmental scan of local employers and other post-secondary institutions found that most have implemented some form of a flexible work program, many in 2022. Discussions also incorporated lessons learned from two interim flexible work pilots at UM over the past year.
Further details on the program and timelines will be available in January.
In the meantime the interim flexible work program introduced for Fall term 2022 will continue into Winter Term 2023, where operational needs permit.