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The Magazine News Archive

A collage of the DAA recipients on a colourful gridded background.

What happens when you act on your passion?

September 29, 2020 — 
These are the stories of people who saw new ways of doing things, who overcame, who are bold with their ideas and moved by their passion. Introducing the 2020 recipients of the University of Manitoba Distinguished Alumni Awards.

A collage prominently featuring the word "ICE."

My Pandemic

September 29, 2020 — 
It felt personal, each one of our experiences different from one another, and yet unequivocally linked. In these Notes from a Pandemic, we cull a collection of perspectives, asking members of the UM community to tell us what they saw—and what they see coming next.

An illustration of twinkling stars over a lone lit house on a street of dark houses.

The Loneliest Number

September 29, 2020 — 
You could see it in the homemade rainbows on windowpanes. And in the memes of people raising a glass to the mirror to cheers on Friday night. As the world retreated in response to COVID-19, loneliness stole the spotlight, with an audience of pandemic proportion. Suddenly—and very publicly—we were exploring this emotional state, and all its complexity.

20 20 50 and a Buy Now sticker appear on an illustration that looks like a stylized travel poster.

The Rethink

September 29, 2020 — 
We collectively hit the pause button and as we press play we enter a future that requires a massive rethink—of our public-health policies, our hospitals, our classrooms, our cities, our supply chains. In 2050, what will we be buying into? Members of our UM community weigh in.

Kimberly Prost.

Kimberly Prost – Professional Achievement

September 29, 2020 — 
Answering a call for justice

Chris Couture.

Chris Couture – Professional Achievement

September 29, 2020 — 
Charting her own path in business

Kim Puhach.

Kimberley Levasseur Puhach – Community Service

September 29, 2020 — 
How do you build bridges on a journey toward reconciliation?

Josh Morry.

Josh Morry – Outstanding Young Alumni

September 29, 2020 — 
Becoming a change agent who inspires a new dialogue

Taylor Morriseau.

Taylor Morriseau – Outstanding Young Alumni

September 29, 2020 — 
What happens when you reimagine research?

Doneta Brochie.

Doneta Brotchie – Community Service

September 29, 2020 — 
First in philanthropy

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