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Services and supports for students News Archive

International Centre Virtual Summer Events - All students welcome!


Meet your fellow students at two virtual summer events

May 20, 2021 — 
The International Centre is hosting two virtual summer events: a virtual cookout and a virtual talent show, both happening on Zoom


A computer sits on a desk with Aurora on the screen. In the background there is a collection of books from a variety of University classes.


The Registration Revision Period: an opportunity to change your mind

May 3, 2021 — 
Take advantage of the Registration Revision Period to add and remove courses as you need to, so that you can create a timetable that suits your needs.

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woman in mask at computer


UM’s Student Life office has ideas about how to get involved!

April 27, 2021 — 
At UM, Student Life supports and facilitates involvement in activities outside coursework, enriching the overall student experience


A turquoise and green coffee mug sits beside a laptop with a video chat platform on the screen


Learn about social change and justice with Community Engaged Learning

April 20, 2021 — 
Learning in and with the community enriches a student’s education beyond the theory they learn in lectures. It fosters new, versatile ways of thinking about the world around us and understanding our role in it


student at computer


When and how you can reach out to an academic advisor

April 6, 2021 — 
Academic advisors at the University of Manitoba can assist you in creating a path to success and building the confidence to get there


A woman in a yellow shirt and a blue and orange head scarf works on a laptop in her lap.


$30 million distributed to support UM students during 2019-20 academic year

March 16, 2021 — 
Financial Aid a key part of responding to the needs of students during the pandemic

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Graphic image of two laptops and speech bubbles


New resource for students – Virtual Advising Help Centre now open!

March 15, 2021 — 
The UM’s new Virtual Advising Help Centre (VAHC) is now open (as of March 15), and ready to answer students’ pressing questions

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Summer campus-pedway


Get Ready: registration for Summer Term 2021 is coming soon! 

March 8, 2021 — 
Registration access times for students at the Bannatyne and Fort Garry campuses will be available in your Aurora Account on March 29.

Woman working on computer


Winter 2021 UM Tech Support Program open for applications

February 16, 2021 — 
Students who are in need of a personal computer may be eligible for a $500 subsidy towards the purchase of a laptop from the UM Bookstore


Vector image of students with a thought bubble coming from the group.


Find support through the new Student Self Check-up

February 16, 2021 — 
The Student Self Check-up is a new tool to help you find targeted student supports to address the concerns you may be facing


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