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Nicole Luke

Nicole Luke

APTN: Inuk architectural grad getting set to redesign the world

May 25, 2021 — 

As APTN reports:

An Inuk student at the University of Manitoba is getting set to graduate with a masters in architecture and set off to take on her own projects.

At the same time, Nicole Luke may be the first Inuk to complete an architecture program in Canada.

“I’m not trying to be the first. I just know there’s not many,” Luke, 24, told APTN News.

“I know… some who are pursuing architecture in post-secondary but I haven’t met an Inuk architect yet.”

For Luke, it’s important to recognize Inuit were the original architects in their communities.

Luke was born in Yellowknife, N.W.T. and moved to Manitoba with her family when she was a young girl.

Her family is from Chesterfield Inlet and the Kivalliq Region in Nunavut.

Her path to architecture started in high school with her love of art classes. She found a way to combine her passion for drawing with other interests.

“I just thought that in between science, technology, art, architecture is right in the centre. Best of both worlds,” said Luke.

Throughout her education Luke has taken part in a few different eye-opening experiences including travels to Copenhagen, Italy and Mexico City.

While she said it’s hard to pick a favourite, the one closest to home makes the top of her list.

Luke was the exhibition designer for the INUA exhibit at Qaumajuq, the Winnipeg Art Gallery’s Inuit Art Centre.

Luke called the experience inspiring.

Read the full APTN story online.


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