Order of Canada
Established in 1967, the Order of Canada recognizes outstanding achievement, dedication to the community, and service to the nation. More than 6,000 individuals have received this honour – among them, 363 faculty and alumni from the University of Manitoba, such as HIV/AIDS researcher Dr. Francis Plummer, philanthropist Gail Asper, crop scientist Vernon Burrows, and visual artist and community activist Wanda Koop.
Arranged by level (Companion, Officer, Member); in alphabetical order
* = deceased
Companion: recognizes national pre-eminence or international service or achievement
Dr. Edgar S. Archibald*, CC [LLD/1928]
Dr. Eric R. Arthur*, CC [LLD/1959]
Dr. N. Lloyd Axworthy PC, CC, OM [BA/1961, LLD/2004]
Dr. Agnes Benidickson*, CC [LLD/1992]
Dr. Claude T. Bissell*, CC [DLITT/1958]
The Honourable Robert B. Bryce*, CC [LLD/1961]
The Honourable Claude Castonguay, CC, OQ [LLD/1980]
The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, CC, CMM, CD [LLD/2002]
Dr. James A. Corry*, CC [DLITT/1967]
Dr. Donald G. Creighton, CC [DLITT/1957]
The Honourable Thomas A. Crerar*, PC, CC [LLD/1954]
Dr. Norris R. Crump*, CC [LLD/1974]
The Honourable Paul G. Desmarais*, PC, CC, OQ [LLD/2001]
The Right Honourable Brian Dickson*, PC, CC, CD [LLB/1938, LLD/1973]
Dr. Arthur C. Erickson*, CC [LLD/1978]
Dr. Maureen Forrester, CC [LLD/1988]
Dr. Henry G. Friesen, CC, OM [MD/1958, BSc(Med)/1958, DSC/1998]
The Honourable Stuart S. Garson*, CC [LLB/1918, LLD/1947]
Dr. Lawren S. Harris*, CC [LLD/1953]
Dr. James M. Harrison*, CC [BSc/1935, DSC/1965]
Dr. Evelyn A. Hart, CC, OM [LLD/1989]
Dr. Arnold D. P. Heeney*, CC [BA/1921, MA/1923, LLD/1950]
Dr. Peter A. Herrndorf, CC, O Ont [BA/1962, LLD/2006]
Dr. Gerhard Herzberg*, CC [DSC/1973]
The Right Honourable Ramon J. Hnatyshyn*, PC, CC [LLD/1992]
Her Excellency, The Right Honourable Michaelle Jean, CC, CMM, COM, CD [LLD/2007]
His Excellency, The Right Honourable David Johnston, CC, CMM, COM, CD [LLD/2011]
Her Excellency, Sharon Johnston, CC [LLD/2017]
Dr. Huguette Labelle, CC [LLD/1992]
Mrs. Margaret Laurence*, CC [BA/1947, LLD/1986]
Dr. Stephen H. Lewis, CC [LLD/2007]
Dr. John A. MacAulay*, QC, CC [LLB/1918, LLD/1954]
Mr. Norman J. MacMillan*, CC, QC [BA/1930, LLB/1934, LLD/1967]
Dr. Herbert M. McLuhan*, CC [BA(Hons)/1933, MA/1934, DLITT/1967]
Dr. Brenda A. Milner, CC [DSC/1982]
Dr. Bernard A. Ostry*, CC [BA(Hons)/1948, LLD/1997]
Dr. Sylvia Ostry, CC, OM [LLD/1986]
Dr. John C. Parkin*, CC [BArch/1944]
Dr. John W. Pickersgill*, CC [BA/1926, MA/1927, LLD/1967]
Dr. Kathleen M. Richardson, CC, OM [BA/1949, LLD/1989]
The Honourable Duff Roblin*, CC, OM [LLD/1967]
Hon. Marshall E. Rothstein, CC [BComm/1962, LLB/1966, LLD/2010]
His Excellency John R. Saul, CC [LLD/2002]
The Honourable Edward R. Schreyer, PC, CC, OM [BA/1960, BEd/1962, MA/1963, LLD/1979]
The Honourable Mitchell W. Sharp*, PC, CC [BA/1934, LLD/1964]
Dr. Carol Shields*, CC, OM [DLITT/2003]
Dr. Arnold Spohr*, CC, OM [LLD/1970]
Dr. Graham Spry*, CC [BA/1922]
Dr. P. H. T. Thorlakson*, CC [MD/1919, CM/1919, LLD/1952]
The Honourable Lois M. Wilson, CC [BA/1947, LLD/2006]
Officer: recognizes national service or achievement
Dr. J. S. Anderson*, OC [LLD/1978]
Mr. John A. Armstrong*, OC [BSc/1937]
Dr. Gail S. Asper, OC, OM [BA/1981, LLB/1984, LLD/2008]
Dr. Israel H. Asper*, OC, OM [BA/1953, LLB/1957, LLM/1964, LLD/1998]
Dr. G. Michael Bancroft, OC [BSc(Hons)/1963, MSC/1964, DSC/2008]
Dr. David G. Barber, OC [BPE/1982, MNRM/1989]
Dr. Sonja I. Bata, OC [LLD/1999]
Most Rev. Maurice Baudoux*, OC [LLD/1967]
Mr. Derek R. Bedson*, OC [BA/1941]
Dr. Lennox G. Bell*, OC [MD/1928]
Dr. Thomas R. Berger, QC, OC, OBC [LLD/1978]
Dr. Henri G. Bergeron*, OC [BA(LatPh)/1945, LLD/1983]
Mr. Arnold W. Boldt, OC [BA(Hons)/1984]
Dr. E. H. Botterell*, OC [MD/1930, DSC/1983]
Dr. John M. Bowman*, OC [MD/1949]
Dr. Albert A. Breton*, OC [BA(LatPh)/1951, LLD/1986]
Dr. Raymond J. Breton, OC [BA(LatPh)/1952, LLD/2002]
Mr. Frederick S. Burbidge*, OC [BA/1939, LLB/1946]
Dr. James W. Burns, OC, OMM, MSM, CD (Ret’d) [BComm/1951, LLD/1987]
Miss Dorothy H. B. Cadwell*, OC [BA/1930]
Dr. George D. W. Cameron, OC [LLD/1956]
Dr. A. Barrie Campbell*, OC [BSA/1944, MSC/1948, DSC/1992]
Dr. A. Lorne Campbell*, OC, CD [LLB/1947, LLD/1977]
The Honourable D. L. Campbell*, OC [LLD/1952]
Dr. Douglas J. Cardinal, OC [LLD/2012]
Dr. Mark Carney, OC [LLD/2013]
Maj. John L. Charles*, OC [LLD/1973]
Dr. Harvey M. Chochinov, OC, OM [MD/1983, PhD/1998]
Dr. H B. Chown*, OC [MD/1922, DSC/1963]
Dr. Samuel D. Clark, OC [LLD/1985]
Mr. Albert D. Cohen*, OC [LLD/1987]
Judge Maxwell Cohen*, OC [BA/1930, LLB/1934, LLD/1963]
Dr. G. Ramsay Cook*, OC [BA(Hons)/1954]
Mr. Robert T. Coupland*, OC [BSA/1946]
Dr. John H. Craigie*, OC [PhD/1930, DSC/1959]
Dr. Arthur A. DeFehr, OC, OM [BComm/1964, LLD/1998]
Dr. Henry E. Duckworth*, OC [BA/1935, BSc/1936, DipEd/1937, LLD/1978]
The Honourable A. Jake Epp, OC [BA/1962, BEd/1965]
Dr. Joseph H. Fafard, OC [BFA/1966, LLD/2007]
The Honourable Gary A. Filmon, PC, OM, OC, LLD [BSc(CE)/1964, MSC/1967, LLD/2011]
Dr. L. Philip Fontaine, OC, OM [BA/1981, LLD/2010]
Dr. Louis Fortier, OC [DSC/2007]
The Honourable Samuel Freedman*, OC [BA/1929, LLB/1933, LLD/1968]
Dr. E. Margaret F. Fulton*, OC [BA/1955]
Dr. John P. Gallagher*, OC [BSc/1937, DSC/1983]
Col. John A. R. Gardam, OC, OMM, MSM, CD (Ret’d) [BA/1979]
Dr. Paul E. Garfinkel, OC [MD/1969, DSC/2012]
Dr. Helen P. Glass*, OC, OM [Cert Nurs(T&S)/1958]
Dr. David A. Golden*, OC [LLB/1941, LLD/1986]
The Honourable Percival H. Gordon*, OC [LLD/1943]
Dr. Monty Hall, OC, OM [BSc/1946, LLD/1987]
Mr. G. Sydney Halter*, OC [BSc(EE)/1946]
Mr. Gerald S. Halter*, OC [BA/1924, LLB/1927]
Dr. James M. Ham*, OC [LLD/1980]
Dr. William F. Hanna*, OC [PhD/1928]
Dr. Robert M. Hardy*, OC [BSc(CE)/1929, DSC/1947]
Dr. Arden R. Haynes*, OC [BComm/1951, LLD/1990]
Dr. Robert H. Haynes*, OC [DSC/1995]
Dr. Ivan L. Head*, OC [LLD/1991]
Mr. Thomas B. Hendry*, OC [CA/1955]
Dr. John Hirsch*, OC [BA/1952, DLITT/1966]
Dr. James C. Hogg, OC, FRSC [MD/1962]
Dr. Charles H. Hollenberg*, OC [BSc/1950, MD/1955, BSc(Med)/1955, DSC/1983]
Dr. John A. Hopps*, OC [BSc(EE)/1941, DSC/1976]
Dr. C. Stuart Houston, OC [MD/1951]
Dr. Clara Hughes, OC, OM [LLD/2006]
Dr. Prabhat K. S. Jha, OC [MD/1988]
Dr. Donald K. Johnson, OC [BSc(EE)/1957, LLD/2008]
Dr. F. Ross Johnson*, OC [BComm/1952, LLD/1996]
The Honourable George Johnson*, OC [BSc/1947, MD/1950, LLD/1995]
Dr. Sol Kanee*, OC, OM [BA/1929, LLD/1974]
Mr. Hugh A. Krentz, OC [BSc(CE)/1957]
Dr. Gertrude M. Laing*, OC [BA/1925, LLD/1980]
The Honourable Otto Lang, PC, OC, QC [LLD/1987]
Mr. R. W. Lawson*, OC [BA/1938]
The Honourable Mr. Justice Sterling R. Lyon*, OC, OM [BA/1948, LLB/1953]
Dr. Edward A. Lyons, OC [BSc/1963, BSc(Med)/1968, MD/1968]
Dr. A. I. MacArthur*, OC [BScHEc/1937]
Dr. Grace MacInnis*, OC [BA/1928, LLD/1975]
Dr. David H. MacLennan, OC [BSA/1959, DSC/2001]
Dr. Peter Mansbridge, OC [LLD/2001]
Dr. Arthur V. Mauro, OC, QC, OM [BA/1949, LLB/1953, LLM/1956, LLD/1987]
Dr. Lloyd R. McGinnis, OC [BSc(CE)/1956, DSC/2000]
Dr. Harry Medovy*, OC [BA/1923, MD/1928, DSC/1976]
Dr. Leo Mol*, OC, OM [LLD/1988]
The Honourable Alfred M. Monnin*, OC, OM [BA(LatPh)/1939, LLB/1946, LLD/1979]
Dr. William L. Morton*, OC [BA/1932, DLITT/1967]
Dr. Arnold Naimark, OC, OM [MD/1957, BSc(Med)/1957, MSC/1960]
Dr. C. David Naylor, OC [DSC/2009]
Mrs. Gudrun Parker*, OC [BA/1940]
The Honourable Howard R. Pawley*, PC, OC, OM, QC [BA/1957, LLB/1961]
Dr. Julie Payette, OC, CQ [DSC/2013]
Dr. Michael E. J. Phelps, OC [BA/1967, LLB/1970]
Dr. Lloyd Pidgeon*, OC [BA/1925]
Dr. Francis A. Plummer, OC, OM [MD/1976]
Dr. Barry I. Posner, OC, CQ [MD/1961]
Dr. Raymond A. Price, OC [BSc(Hons)/1955]
Mr. Gillis P. Purcell*, OC [BA/1924]
Dr. Donald W. Rae*, OC [MD/1957, BSc(Med)/1957]
Dr. Hartley T. Richardson, OC, OM [BComm(Hons)/1977, LLD/2004]
Dr. William E. Ricker*, OC [DSC/1970]
Dr. Clayton H. Riddell, OC [BSc(Hons)/1959, DSC/2004]
Dr. William A. Riddell*, OC [BA/1925, BSc/1926]
Dr. Lloyd Robertson, OC [LLD/2012]
Dr. Allan R. Ronald, OC, OM [MD/1961, BSc(Med)/1961, DSC/2011]
Mr. John D. Ross, OC [BSc(EE)/1962]
Dr. Gerald W. Schwartz, OC [BComm/1962, LLB/1966, LLD/2016]
Dr. Jacquelyn S. T. Scott, OC [MBA/1981]
The Honourable Richard J. Scott, OC, OM [BA/1959, LLB/1963, LLD/2000]
Dr. Jennifer M. Shay, OC [MSC/1959, PhD/1966]
Dr. Leonard H. Shebeski*, OC [BSA/1941, MSC/1946, DSC/1981]
Dr. Jeffrey C. Simpson, OC [LLD/2002]
The Honourable Ian D. Sinclair*, OC, QC [BA/1937, LLB/1941, LLD/1967]
Dr. Ian C. P. Smith, OC [BSc(Hons)/1961, MSC/1962]
Dr. Muriel A. Smith, OC, OM [BA/1950, BA(Hons)/1951, MEd/1975, BEd/1975, LLD/2009]
Dr. Chantal St-Cyr Hébert, OC [DSC/2014]
Dr. Baldur R. Stefansson*, OC, OM [BSA/1950, MSC/1952, PhD/1966, DSC/1997]
Mr. Maitland B. Steinkopf*, OC [LLB/1936]
Dr. Denis A. St-Onge, OC [BA(LatPh)/1951, DSC/1990]
Dr. Andrew Taylor*, OC [BSc(CE)/1931, DSC/1991]
Mr. J. A. Taylor*, OC [BA/1928]
Dr. Robert H. Thorlakson*, OC, CD, MD, FRCS, FRCSC, FACS, KSrJ, KLJ [MD/1949]
Dr. Albert W. Trueman*, OC [LLD/1948]
Dr. Erich W. Vogt*, OC [BSc(Hons)/1951, MSC/1952, DSC/1982]
Dr. Harry Walsh*, OC, QC [BA/1932, LLB/1937, LLD/2003]
Dr. John H. Warkentin, OC [BSc/1948, DipEd/1949]
Dr. Richard E. Waugh, OC [BComm(Hons)/1970, LLD/2014]
Rev. V. James Weisgerber, OC, SOM [LLD/2013]
The Honourable Warren K. Winkler, OC, O Ont, QC [BA/1959]
Mr. F. G. Winspear*, OC [CA/1948]
The Honourable Stephen Worobetz*, OC [MD/1940]
Dr. Ronald G. Worton, OC [BSc(Hons)/1964, MSC/1965, DSC/2000]
Dr. Wayne G. Wouters, OC [LLD/2016]
Dr. Leo Yaffe*, OC [BSc(Hons)/1940, MSC/1941, DSC/1982]
Mr. Daniel A. Yanofsky*, OC [BSc/1944, LLB/1951]
Dr. Alvin Zipursky, OC [MD/1953, BSc(Med)/1953]
Member: recognizes outstanding contributions at the local or regional level or in a special field of activity
Dr. I. F. Ahenakew*, CM, SOM [MA/1984, LLD/2009]
Mr. Douglas E. Allen*, CM [BSc(EE)/1953]
Dr. Aubie Angel, CM [BSc(Med)/1959, MD/1959]
Mr. Donald C. Archibald*, CM [BSc/1926, MSC/1928]
Dr. J. D. Armstrong*, CM [BA/1961, MD/1966]
Dr. Isabel G. H. Auld*, CM [LLD/1986]
Dr. Constance B. Backhouse, CM [BA/1972, LLD/2010]
Mr. Vaughan L. Baird*, CM, QC [BA/1949]
Dr. Judith G. Bartlett, CM [MD/1987, MSC/2004]
Mr. Leonard A. Bateman, CM, OM, Peng [BSc(EE)/1942, MSC/1948]
Ms. Mary E. Bayer*, CM [BA/1946, MA/1963]
Dr. Robert E. Beamish*, CM, OM [MD/1942, BSc(Med)/1944, DSC/1989]
Dr. Daniel E. Bergsagel*, CM [MD/1949]
Dr. Prakash Bhartia, CM [MSC/1968, PhD/1971]
Dr. Marjorie B. Blankstein, CM, OM [BA/1950, LLD/2014]
Mr. Solomon M. Bonneau*, CM [BA/1913, LLB/1917]
Dr. Pauline Boutal*, CM [LLD/1978]
Dr. Eleanor Boyce*, CM [PhD/1950]
Prof. E. Arthur Braid, CM [LLB/1960]
Dr. Barry S. Broadfoot*, CM [BA/1949, LLD/1996]
Mr. Stanley E. Brock*, CM [BA(Hons)/1933]
Dr. Harold Buchwald*, CM, QC [BA/1948, LLB/1952, LLM/1957, LLD/1994]
Dr. John Buhler, CM [LLD/2011]
Dr. Vernon D. Burrows, CM [BSA/1951, MSC/1953]
Mr. Nestor Burtnyk, CM [BSc(EE)/1950]
Dr. Walter Bushuk, CM [BSc(Hons)/1952, MSC/1953]
Dr. Bruce D. Campbell, CM [BSA/1958, LLD/2007]
Dr. Ralph Campbell*, CM [LLD/1984]
The Honourable Sharon Carstairs, CM [LLD/2007]
Dr. Alice M. E. Cheatley, CM [BEd/1964, BA/1964, MEd/1973]
The Honourable Saul M. Cherniack, PC, CM, OM [LLB/1939]
Mr. Wayne S. W. Chiu, CM [BSc(ME)/1980]
Dr. Dian N. Cohen, CM, OM [LLD/2000]
Dr. Samuel N. Cohen*, CM [LLD/1979]
Dr. David Courchene*, CM [LLD/1970]
Dr. Roland G. Couture*, CM [BA(LatPh)/1929, LLD/1977]
Miss Louise A. Crawford, CM [BA/1985]
Dr. Victor Davies, CM [LLD/2007]
Sr. Elizabeth Davis, CM [LLD/2009]
Mr. Willem B. C. de Lint, CM [BArch/1962]
Dr. Rayleen V. M. De Luca, CM, OM [MA/1981, PhD/1985]
Dr. Kiki Delaney, CM [BA/1969, LLD/2011]
Dr. Ronald M. DePauw, CM [MSC/1970, PhD/1973]
Dr. Marcel A. Desautels, CM, O.Ont [BA(LatPh)/1955, LLB/1959, LLM/1965, LLD/1999]
Dr. Beverly Diamond, CM [MSC/1978, PhD/1982]
Dr. John H. Dirks, CM [MD/1957, BSc(Med)/1957, DSC/2009]
Dr. Allan R. Downs, CM [MD/1954, Dip Surg/1958]
Dr. Francis P. Doyle*, CM, OM [BSc/1943]
Dr. Joseph N. Du*, CM, OM [LLD/2014]
Mr. Bernard B. Dubienski*, CM [LLB/1917]
Dr. Jean-Pierre L. Dubuc, CM [PhD/1970]
Sr. Leonne M. Dumesnil, CM [Bes A/1971, BEd/1972, MEd/1988]
Dr. W. Yvon Dumont, CM, OM [LLD/1996]
Dr. Ferdinand Eckhardt*, CM [LLD/1971]
Dr. Albert El Tassi, CM, OM [LLD/2013]
Mr. Muni S. Evers*, CM [DipPharm/1937]
Dr. Ivan K. Eyre, CM, OM [BFA/1957, LLD/2008]
Dr. Gordon S. Fahrni*, CM [MD/1911, CM/1923]
Dr. Elizabeth M. Feniak*, CM [BScHEc/1941]
Mr. Marcien L. Ferland, CM [BA(Hons)/1964, MA/1965, BSc/1968]
The Honourable Janice C. Filmon, CM, OM [BScHEc/1963, LLD/2011]
Mrs. A. Joy Finlay, CM [BA/1954]
Dr. John P. Foerster, CM [MD/1961, BSc(Med)/1961]
Dr. Tse Chen Fong, CM [BSc/1973, MD/1977]
Mrs. Joella L. Foulds, CM [BA/1966]
Mr. Waldron N. Fox-Decent, CM, CD, OM [BA(Hons)/1959, MA/1971]
Ms. Eira A. Friesen*, CM [BSc/1939]
Dr. Etienne J. Gaboury, CM, OM [BA(LatPh)/1953, BArch/1958, LLD/1987]
Ms. Lise J. Gaboury-Diallo, CM [Bes A/1978]
The Honourable Dr. Raymonde I. Gagné, CM, OM, Senator [Bes A/1976, Cert en Ed/1977]
Mrs. Carol B. Gay Bell, CM [BA/1955]
Mr. J. C. Gilson*, CM [BSA/1950, MSC/1952]
Dr. Susan J. Glass, CM [BComm/1967, LLD/2015]
Mrs. Yhetta M. Gold, CM, OM [BA/1950]
Dr. John K. Gordon*, CM [BA/1920, LLD/1981]
Dr. James H. Gray*, CM [LLD/1974]
Dr. Clarence A. Guenter, CM [MD/1961, BSc(Med)/1961]
Dr. Frank H. Gunston*, CM [BSc(EE)/1957, MD/1963]
Dr. Graeme T. Haig*, CM, MC, CD [LLB/1949]
Mr. Gregg J. Hanson, CM [BComm(Hons)/1976, CA/1979]
Mr. Keith I. M. Heming*, CM, QC [LLB/1976]
Dr. Yude M. Henteleff, CM, QC [BSA/1947, LLB/1951, LLD/2006]
Dr. Paul G. Hiebert*, CM [BA/1916, LLD/1974]
Dr. Tomson Highway, CM [DLITT/2017]
Dr. Orville K. Hjertaas*, CM [MD/1942]
Dr. H A. Hochbaum*, CM [LLD/1962]
Dr. Leah A. Hollins, CM [Cert Nurs(PH)/1966, LLD/2014]
Mrs. Simma Holt*, CM [BA/1944]
Mr. A. Rolph Huband*, CM [BComm/1951, LLB/1955]
Dr. J. E. Hudson*, CM [MD/1941]
Dr. Roderick O. Hunter*, CM [BA/1937, LLB/1941]
Mr. William D. Hurst*, CM [BSc(CE)/1930]
Dr. Lyonel G. Israels*, CM [MD/1949, MSC/1950]
Dr. Kevin P. Kavanagh, CM, OM [BComm/1953, LLD/1990]
Mr. Guy G. Kay, CM [BA/1975]
Mr. Joseph I. Keeper, CM [BA/1982]
Dr. Verna J. Kirkness, CM, OM [BA/1974, BEd/1976, MEd/1980, LLD/2008]
Dr. Wanda M. Koop, CM, OM [DipArt/1973, LLD/2009]
Mr. Leo F. Kristjanson*, CM [BA/1954, MA/1959]
The Honourable Richard H. Kroft, CM [BA/1959, LLB/1963, LLD/2008]
Mr. William Kurelek*, CM [BA/1949]
Rev. Arthur J. Lacerte, CM [LLD/1991]
Dr. Sam Landa*, CM [MD/1938]
The Honourable Philip S. Lee, CM, OM [BSc/1966, LLD/2011]
Dr. H. Susan Lewis, CM, OM [BA/1969, LLD/2016]
The Honourable Peter M. Liba*, CM, OM [LLD/2001]
Dr. Wilton Littlechild, CM, QC [LLD/2016]
Dr. William H. Loewen, CM, CA, FCA [CA/1954]
Mr. Jack R. London, CM, QC [LLB/1966]
Dr. Samuel R. Loschiavo, CM [BSc/1946, MSC/1950, PhD/1964]
Mr. Roger V. Lucy, CM [BA(Hons)/1969]
Dr. Allan Lysack, CM [BA/1956, MD/1960, Dip Surg/1965]
Dr. John A. MacDonell*, CM [MD/1943]
M.Gen. Lewis W. MacKenzie, CM [BA/1988]
Mr. G. Campbell MacLean*, CM [LLB/1950]
Ms. Geraldine E. MacNamara*, CM [BA/1959, Cert Ed/1960, BEd/1965, LLB/1974]
Mr. Anthony T. Mann*, CM [BA/1941]
Dr. Ethel G. Martens*, CM [BA/1954]
Dr. Patricia J. Martens*, CM [BSc/1972, Cert Ed/1973, MSC/1994, PhD/1999]
Mr. David Matas, CM [BA/1964]
Dr. Francis A. L. Mathewson*, CM [MD/1931, BSc(Med)/1933]
Mr. Kimberley K. McConnell, CM [BSA/1978]
Mr. M. D. McCubbin*, CM [BA/1950]
The Honourable Pearl K. McGonigal, CM, OM [LLD/1983]
The Honourable William J. McKeag*, CM, OM [BComm/1949, LLD/1977]
Dr. Loreena McKennitt, CM, OM [LLD/2005]
Mr. George R. McLaughlin, CM [BSA/1971, MSC/1981]
Mr. Hugh J. McLean, CM [AMM/1948]
Mrs. Marion L. Meadmore, CM [LLB/1977]
Dr. Louis C. Melosky, CM [BSc(Pharm)/1955]
Mr. Arthur K. Miki, CM, OM [BEd/1969, MEd/1975]
Mr. Roy A. Miki, CM [BA/1964]
Dr. Margaret Newall, CM [LLD/2001]
Dr. William Norrie*, CM, OM, QC, LLD [BA/1950, LLB/1955, LLD/1993]
Mrs. Ann Northcote*, CM [BA/1953]
Mr. David S. Northcott, CM, OM [ExtEd/2001]
Dr. William B. Parrish, CM [LLD/1996]
Mr. John R. Patkau, CM [BES/1969, BA/1969, MArch/1972]
Mrs. Patricia F. Patkau, CM [BID/1973]
Dr. Donald W. Penner*, CM [MD/1942]
The Honourable Roland Penner, CM, OM, QC [BA/1949, LLB/1961]
Mr. Donald H. Penny, CM, FCA [CA/1963]
Mr. James B. Pitblado, CM [BComm/1953, LLD/2005]
Mr. J. Raymond Poirier, CM, OM [BA/1973]
Mrs. Rosalind L. Prober, CM [BA/1966]
Mr. Serge Radchuk, CM, QC [LLB/1954, LLM/1958]
Miss Edith M. Radley*, CM [Cert Nurs(T&S)/1958]
Mr. Leonard P. Ratzlaff, CM [Cert Ed/1972]
Dr. Strinivasan Reddy, CM, OM [BEd/1974, MEd/1981, LLD/2013]
Dr. Ian L. Reid*, CM [MD/1956, Dip Surg/1960]
Dr. George T. Richardson*, CM, OM [BComm/1946, LLD/1969]
Dr. Tannis M. Richardson, CM [BScHEc/1948, LLD/2012]
Mr. J. Derek Riley, CM [BComm/1943, CA/1949]
Mr. Perry Rosemond, CM [BA/1958]
Dr. Robert T. Ross, CM [MD/1948, DSC/2003]
Dr. Annette Saint-Pierre, CM [DLITT/1992]
Mrs. Margaret A. Sanders, CM [BA/1943]
Mr. Alan W. Scarth, CM, QC [BComm/1942, LLB/1948]
Mrs. Sandra G. Scarth, CM [BA/1956, BSW/1957]
Dr. Theodore P. Schaefer*, CM [BSc(Hons)/1954, MSC/1955]
Dr. Steven Schipper, CM [LLD/2015]
Dr. Sybil F. Shack*, CM [BA/1929, BEd/1945, MEd/1946, LLD/1969]
Dr. Evelyn Shapiro*, CM, OM [LLD/2000]
Mr. Allan J. Simpson*, CM [BComm(Hons)/1962]
Miss Margaret Street*, CM [BA/1928]
Mr. Jack J. Sures, CM [BFA/1957]
Dr. Garnette R. Sutherland, CM [BSc/1974, MD/1978]
Dr. George Swinton*, CM [LLD/1987]
Mr. Leigh Syms, CM [BA/1967, MA/1969]
Dr. Emőke J. E. Szathmáry, CM, OM [LLD/2015]
Ms. L. Faye Thomson, CM [BA/1972]
Dr. T. Kenneth Thorlakson, CM [MD/1949]
Dr. Thomas D. Traves, CM [BA(Hons)/1970]
Dr. David H. Turpin FRSC, CM [LLD/2015]
Mr. J K. Watson*, CM [BA/1931]
Dr. Cornelius W. Wiebe*, CM [MD/1925]
Mr. David C. Wilson, CM [BA/1959, Cert Ed/1960, BEd/1962]
Dr. Marie Wilson, CM [LLD/2015]
Dr. Betty Jane Wylie, CM [BA(Hons)/1951, MA/1952, DLITT/2003]
Dr. Martin J. Yaffe, CM [BSc(Hons)/1971, MSC/1973]
Dr. Phyllis N. Yaffe, CM [BA/1969, LLD/2013]
Mr. David A. Young, CM [BA/1964, BComm/1966]