University of Manitoba and UMFA agree to mediation
University’s goal is to reach a settlement without labour action
The University of Manitoba and the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) have agreed to mediation in order to help bring negotiations to a positive and timely conclusion.
In a show of good faith, the University of Manitoba agreed to a mediator of UMFA’s choosing, Mr. Larry Steinberg from Toronto, Ontario. The U of M is pleased to accept UMFA’s recommendation, and appreciates the fact that Mr. Steinberg comes with considerable experience working with a number of Ontario universities.
Throughout the bargaining process, the University has made it clear that it will do whatever it can to reach an agreement in a timely fashion.
Beginning Wednesday, October 26 through Sunday, October 30, the U of M and UMFA will meet every day, three of those meetings with Mr. Steinberg.
“The University of Manitoba has made a fair and competitive offer, which should form the basis for constructive discussions with the mediator,” says Gregory Juliano, chief negotiator and associate vice-president (human resources).
“We look forward to mediation. Ultimately, the university wants to resolve negotiations with UMFA and provide stability and support for all students, faculty and staff.”
Juliano adds, “Time is very much of the essence, perhaps now more than ever. We tried to resolve this early but could not get UMFA to accept what we believed were very reasonable offers. Now, as we approach November, the impact of a strike will be felt the hardest by students, who are in the middle of their fall terms. And at the same time the provincial landscape has changed rapidly, especially over the past few weeks, as the new government addresses budget challenges. There is increasing clarity as to how constrained public sector compensation will need to be in the foreseeable future.”
“The delays in resolving this matter have made our work even more challenging. The University remains committed to seeing this bargaining process reach a successful conclusion as soon as possible.”
Since May, the U of M and UMFA have set 32 bargaining meetings. The University of Manitoba established a comprehensive schedule of topics and bargaining principles, and made several attempts to bring negotiations to a timely resolution.
January 28, 2016: University proposes interest-based bargaining
February 22, 2016: UMFA rejects interest-based bargaining
March 9, 2016: Due to the upcoming election, and the uncertain and constrained fiscal environment, the University presents expedited offer involving 1.5% general salary increase, and market adjustment for areas of need, over a one year term
April 20, 2016: UMFA rejects expedited offer
September 13, 2016: University presents comprehensive offer of settlement to UMFA involving a 7% general salary increase over a 4 year term, along with market adjustments for areas of need
October 3, 2016: UMFA rejects University’s salary offer and presents counter-proposal involving a 6.9% salary increase in a single year
October 21, 2016: University rejects UMFA’s counter-proposal on compensation
For all UMFA bargaining updates, visit the bargaining website.
Questions can be directed to hrfeedback [at] umanitoba [dot] ca or human resources contact us webpage.