Travel and Expense Management Review: What We Heard
A report summarizing the responses to the stakeholder engagement process for the Travel and Expense Management Project is now available. The report, “What We Heard – Travel and Expense Management” is available on the Travel and Expense Management project website.
The process invited the faculty and staff to provide feedback on the current travel and expense management system, including the process, the policy and procedures, and Concur. Feedback mechanisms included meetings with the Deans Council, UMFA President and executive director, individual departments, one-on-one interviews and multiple focus groups.
Overall participation was considerable, but the survey response rate was especially high. Distributed to all staff and faculty, the survey received 639 respondents, split between faculty members (56 per cent), staff members (35 per cent), one-over-one approvers (20 per cent) and Concur unit experts (11 per cent). Six per cent of respondents did not identify as any of those four categories. Because respondents could identify with more than one category, the total percentages exceeded 100 per cent.
All feedback will be taken into consideration by the Travel and Expense Steering Committee in order to best inform the recommendations to improve the university’s travel and expense management system and to ensure that the recommendations are apt. The final recommendations are expected to be completed by June 2017 and will be submitted to the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) for review and consideration.
“The steering committee wishes to thank all those who provided feedback” says Kelley Main, chair of the Travel and Expense Steering Committee. “We recognize respondents spent considerable time and effort in preparing thoughtful responses to the many questions in the survey and in the focus groups.”
Faculty and staff members can provide feedback on the report or offer additional input by emailing travel.review@umanitoba.ca or by visiting the Travel and Expense Management project website.