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Students News Archive

students typing on a keyboard at a computer lab


Get Ready for Winter Term During the Holiday Closure

December 5, 2024 — 
The holiday season is here, and while we’re taking a break to recharge, you can still make progress toward your academic goals during the Winter holiday shutdown (Dec 21. to Jan. 1).

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A room full of about 100 people sitting at round tables, all engaged in conversation.

Faculty of Arts

Planning Your Career: Key Takeaways from the Arts Career Round Table

December 4, 2024 — 
On November 20, 78 Arts students and nine Arts alumni gathered to learn more about the variety of professions available after a Bachelor of Arts degree.

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Neechiwaken students gather in Migizii Agamik's Circle Room


Come hear stories of international adventure and personal growth

December 3, 2024 — 
If you would like to learn more about the global mobility programs and how they could benefit you in your studies, as well as whether you might be eligible for funding, visit the International Centre homepage. You can also reach out directly to the International Centre with any questions or to discuss your options at international[at]umanitoba[dot]ca. If you are eligible and would like to pursue GSO funding, contact GSO[at]umanitoba[dot]ca for an application form.

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A person sits at a desk, writing on a paper with pen.


Exam basics: what every student should know before the exam period

December 3, 2024 — 
Before you hit the books, consider the basic, practical steps you should take to prepare for any exam and take note of the University of Manitoba’s exam policies.

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Support for extenuating circumstances during the exam period

December 3, 2024 — 
Final exams can be a period of stress and anxiety for any student and UM offers many forms of support in preparation for finals and to help you manage your stress during this time. Though you may be prepared for your final, unexpected circumstances still arise where a deferred exam may be considered. 

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Add joy with Desautels Faculty of Music end-of-term concerts

December 2, 2024 — 
Performances that will lift your spirits, from jazz to choral to orchestra

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How the English Language Centre can help you succeed at UM

December 2, 2024 — 
Riyam AL-Zuhairi, who participated in the English Language Centre program, shares her encouragement for other students seeking to improve their English skills to explore the options with the ELC.

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Three student volunteers greet new students at orientation. They stand in front of an inflatable University of Manitoba arch and hold signs that say "We are all Bisons"


Trailbreakers and impact makers: standout student success stories of 2024

November 29, 2024 — 
UM students have been making an impact in Manitoba and around the world. Check out the year’s top stories showcasing student accomplishments in academics, community impact and personal pursuits.

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Someone in the foreground has a camera setup on a tripod point up t the sky. Gren and purpl hues of the northerns lights dance infront of an ocean of stars in a dark night sky.


Step away from the books and pick up new skills with experiential learning

November 29, 2024 — 
Applied research can be independent, student lead research supported with faculty guidance, such as a thesis project, or it can be in collaboration with community partners and faculty researchers. In this experiential learning opportunity, students can conduct their own academic research. A project-based experience is an application of critical analysis and knowledge in your discipline to demonstrate learning or to address a problem.

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Students in the Elizabeth Dafoe Library


How libraries can help students’ writing

November 29, 2024 — 
When students think about the library, they may mostly think of stacks or a quiet study space, but the library is also a great place to find support when preparing written assignments. In fact, librarians themselves play an important role in supporting students with their academic writing.

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