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Research and International News Archive

Research and International

Lessons on Loss

July 13, 2020 — 
When losses are buried under more losses, how do you even begin to grieve?


Playground Swings

Research and International

The Measure of Maltreatment

July 13, 2020 — 
For nearly two decades, Dr. Tracie Afifi has studied the ways in which adults abuse children, the harms that can result, and what can be done to keep kids safe.

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A protestor holds a sign that reads End Systemic Racism

Research and International

How to build a better Canada after COVID-19: The power of everyday actions can bring about change

July 6, 2020 — 
We live in a world where “normal” means systemic injustice that has become only more intense and apparent during COVID–19.

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COVID-19 Virus

New funding for UM COVID-19 research

June 25, 2020 — 
Six University of Manitoba researchers and their teams have received $7.5 million in federal and provincial funding to investigate a range of impacts of the virus on specific populations

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

UM team develop inexpensive 3D-printed ventilator following shortage

June 24, 2020 — 
Doctors around the world could turn to a made-in-Manitoba design if hospitals experience a ventilator shortage during the second wave of COVID-19.

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Final report on strategic priorities

June 24, 2020 — 
The report highlighting the 2020 strategic plan is now online and includes highlights from five priority areas.

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2020 Vanier Scholar-Belal Zia

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Meet Belal Zia, one of five of UM’s 2020 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship recipients

June 22, 2020 — 
UM Today caught up with Zia to chat about how the Vanier Scholarship will support his research titled: Promoting treatment seeking among Canadian Muslims: The development, implementation and evaluation of a psychoeducational intervention utilizing the theory of planned behaviour and internalized stigma model.

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2020 Vanier Scholar-Rachel Nickel

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Meet Rachel Nickel, one of five of UM’s 2020 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship recipients.

June 22, 2020 — 
UM Today caught up with Nickel to chat about how the Vanier Scholarship will support her research titled: Understanding and using the new physics of shape-selective magnetic nanoparticles: New ammunition for attacking biofilms.

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2020 Vanier Scholar-Sarah Turner copy

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Meet Sarah Turner, one of five of UM’s 2020 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship recipients.

June 22, 2020 — 
UM Today caught up with Turner to chat about how the Vanier Scholarship will support her research titled: Breastfeeding and child behaviour: Understanding the link through five different pathways in the Canadian CHILD birth cohort study.

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2020 Vanier Scholar-Ashley Hayward

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Meet Ashley Hayward, one of five of UM’s 2020 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship recipients.

June 22, 2020 — 
UM Today caught up with Hayward to chat about how the Vanier Scholarship will support her research titled: Incarcerated mother’s experience with pregnancy and childbirth: A narrative inquiry.

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