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Research and International News Archive

a robot hand holding a human hand, surrounded by hearts

What the heck are digisexuals?

November 30, 2017 — 
A digisexual is someone who, because of their use of immersive technologies such as sex robots or virtual reality pornography, feels no need to search for physical intimacy with human partners, Neil McArthur explains

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George Belliveau

Faculty of Education

Acting up in class

November 29, 2017 — 
Dr. Alysha Farrell realized the power of theatre in the classroom when a student, acting out a scene, pulled a punch an inch from a classmate’s nose

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Marissa Becker

Preventing HIV epidemics

November 29, 2017 — 
Building on a decades-long legacy of groundbreaking HIV/AIDS research

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Golden-winged Warbler // Photo: Christian Artuso

Trouble in Manitoba’s golden-winged warblers population

November 28, 2017 — 
Genetic change is underway in what was once thought to be the most genetically pure songbird population

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Butterflies feeding on orange zinnias at the opening of the Shirley Richardson Butterfly Garden on 23 June 2011. Photo credit: J. Marcus

On the wings of Lepidoptera

November 27, 2017 — 
The secret to how butterflies (scientific name: Lepidoptera) create such striking arrays has been partially solved by new research by scientists at the U of M

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Faculty of Science

National Geographic Society funded expedition leads to discovery of two new plant species

November 27, 2017 — 
“Plants, and especially the discovery of new plant species, don’t often generate a lot of interest. I read an article about a new species of rat that eats coconuts and that made the BBC website.” Ford goes on with a chuckle: “So I can’t compete with coconut-eating rats, but I think the species we are discovering are just as spectacular.”

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a stethoscope wraps around the globe

New program will help us manage and prevent chronic and infectious diseases

November 27, 2017 — 
Pourang Irani and his collaborators received $1.65 million in federal funding to train graduate students

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Lab research work.

Shaping the future of research in Canada

November 24, 2017 — 
Canada’s Fundamental Science Review: Findings, Responses and Prospects, presented by Dr. David Naylor on Dec. 6

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Wpg Free Press: Honey, do these genes make me look hypertensive?

November 23, 2017 — 
Researchers at the University of Manitoba’s Richardson Centre for Nutraceuticals are hoping to begin rectifying the situation of home gene tests and shoddy science


Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Who goes to the doctor, where and why?

November 23, 2017 — 
U of M study finds many Manitobans choose to see a family doctor or nurse practitioner who is not located close to their home

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