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rehabilitation sciences News Archive

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Key to Health: Kick off pop up social

April 17, 2018 — 
Rady Faculty partners with Habitat for Humanity on our fourth build project.

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Students work together for better patient care

February 6, 2018 — 
Day Shift workshop lets students practise interprofessional teamwork on simulated hospital ward

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Researchers team up across disciplines for Rady Innovation Fund projects

December 13, 2017 — 
Three U of M research projects have received inaugural grants from the Rady Innovation Fund

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Take Our Kids to Work Day - a student using using orthodontic tools

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

All in a day’s work: Grade 9 students explore health careers on campus

November 2, 2017 — 
Teens "clock in" at the Bannatyne campus for a fun-filled day of workplace learning.

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

New equipment puts Respiratory Therapy department on the leading edge

October 2, 2017 — 
A combination of generosity and good luck have helped land two new pieces of cutting edge lab equipment for the Respiratory Therapy department.


Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Connecting the dots: Powerful research tools locate trends, improve care

September 27, 2017 — 
Family Med researcher pulls together national data

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Opening doors: BYP camp fosters Indigenous students’ career aspirations

July 25, 2017 — 
Students explore health sciences careers through hands-on learning

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Honouring the ‘silent teachers’:

July 7, 2017 — 
Commemorating the men and women who have made a unique contribution to the advancement of medicine and the University of Manitoba.

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

UM launches Ongomiizwin—an Indigenous institute that will clear a path for generations to come

June 5, 2017 — 
A special day in the life of the university began with a ceremony in the Medicine Garden/Mashkiki Gitigaan on the Bannatyne campus

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Treating dementia patients creatively

June 5, 2017 — 
Dr. Salvador Simó, occupational therapist and researcher at Barcelona’s Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya, will be delivering a series of presentations next week on the connection between art therapy and mental health.

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