Reconciliation News Archive

Decolonizing Lens series features National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation film
December 6, 2017 —
Film screenings and panel, Dec. 11, 7:00 p.m. at Cinematheque, free to all

U of M named as one of Manitoba’s Top Employers
November 29, 2017 —
'One of the advantages of working in such a large and complex organization is that you have the opportunity to advance to different positions'

Continuing the journey towards a reconciled education system
November 22, 2017 —
More than 350 leaders from Indigenous communities and post-secondary institutions across Canada gathered at the University of Manitoba on Nov. 8 and 9 for the 3rd Annual Building Reconciliation Forum

Imagining a Reconciled Canada
November 21, 2017 —
'Imagine a Canada is a great way for teachers and students to explore both the past and our shared journey into the future toward Reconciliation'

Catholic institutions supporting Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples
November 6, 2017 —
On October 24, the Presidents and Rectors of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities in Canada (ACCUC) presented their report regarding the work being done across Catholic campuses in Canada to support Reconciliation.
![Frank Deer, Acting Executive Lead, Indigenous Achievement, and Christine Cyr, Director of the Indigenous Student Centre, present recent graduate Kristin Flattery [BFA (Hons)] with a purple scarf at the 28th Annual Graduation Pow Wow.](
President Barnard’s message on National Aboriginal Day 2017
June 21, 2017 —
'The University of Manitoba is enriched by an Indigenous community of over 2,400 students, staff and faculty along with thousands of alumni'

U of M students selected for national conference exploring options for Canada’s future
January 31, 2017 —
U of M students headed to Ottawa in February for a national gathering of experts and free thinkers to discuss the future of Canada and what it can become over the next 50 years

Top stories of 2016
December 26, 2016 —
Stories highlighting the success of our students and showcasing the global impact of our faculty, alumni and researchers

President Barnard’s message on Reconciliation and Renewal
December 7, 2016 —
A message to the community delivered at Senate by President David T. Barnard

Sharing the Land, Sharing a Future
November 1, 2016 —
National Forum hosted at U of M will mark the 20th anniversary of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples