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Desautels Faculty of Music News Archive

Kira Fondse, 4th year student, voice, Desautels Scholar 2013 – 2016.

Learning a universal language

July 20, 2018 — 
Donor support opened the door to unique opportunities for 4th-year vocal student

Stuart Sladden [MMus/12], Desautels Scholar 2010 & 2011 Doctoral Candidate, Choral Conducting, University of Alberta.

‘The advantage here is the community itself’

July 13, 2018 — 
Desautels Scholar reflects on how U of M rejuvenated his passion for music


Colleen Zwarych, first-year student, trumpet, Desautels Scholar 2017.

‘They truly care about us and our success’

July 6, 2018 — 
Desautels Scholar reflects on first year in the U of M’s music faculty

Grand piano in Taché Arts Complex

Desautels Faculty of Music

New Appointment in Musicology

July 4, 2018 — 
Dr. Colette Simonot joins the Desautels Faculty of Music as the new Assistant Professor in Musicology


Matthew Packer [BMus(Perf)/13, BSc/13, BSc(Med)/17, MD/17], Desautels Scholar 2009 – 2012, first-year resident.

The saxophonist will see you now

June 29, 2018 — 
Desautels scholar won music trophy only hours after successful medical school interview

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Paul Williamson.

Desautels Faculty of Music

Celebrating the class of 2018

June 6, 2018 — 
Meet Paul Williamson, graduating with a Bachelor of Music studying piano

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Photo of McKenzie Warriner

Desautels Faculty of Music

Celebrating the class of 2018

June 5, 2018 — 
Meet McKenzie Warriner, graduating with a Bachelor of Music in performance

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Grand piano in Taché Arts Complex

Desautels Faculty of Music

Desautels Faculty of Music appoints new faculty

May 28, 2018 — 
Karl Kohut (Assistant Professor, Jazz Bass) and Dr. Rebecca Simpson-Litke (Assistant Professor, Music Theory) join the Desautels Faculty of Music.

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Desautels Faculty of Music

Assistant professor Jody Stark to receive dissertation award

April 26, 2018 — 
Jody Stark, associate professor in music education, will be honoured with a CATE dissertation award, which she will receive at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education conference in Regina next month.  

Students Ryan Churchill and Lisa Huang with Dr. David Barnard, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Manitoba.

Brushing up on generosity

April 26, 2018 — 
School of Dental Hygiene voted overwhelmingly in support of Smiles for Miles, largely because of the personal experiences they’ve had through the program, which sponsors dental care for newcomers

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