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Computer Science News Archive

Faculty of Science

Honoured Faculty of Science Alumni Awards Celebration

February 2, 2017 — 
On Thursday, January 26th, the Faculty of Science celebrated seven outstanding alumni at the second annual Alumni Awards event.

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Faculty of Science

Undergraduate Computer Scientists Place in International Competitions

February 1, 2017 — 
Computer scientists from the U of M are fresh off of impressive performances in international robotics competitions overseas.


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CTV News: U of M students working to prevent child sex abuse images from hitting internet

February 1, 2017 — 
Two student researchers at the University of Manitoba have teamed up with a Kelowna company called Two Hat Security to develop new software aimed at keeping child sexual abuse images off the internet.

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Faculty of Science

Meet Charles (Chuck) Loewen, recipient of the Faculty of Science Honoured Alumni Award 2017

January 19, 2017 — 
Chuck Loewen always knew he would start his own business one day. He just didn’t expect it to happen so quickly – or so successfully.

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Pourang Irani

Making smarter devices

November 21, 2016 — 
A big part of Pourang Irani’s job is to dream – making technology that’s often seen as science fiction a reality

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Faculty of Science

Wall Street Journal: Pourang Irani Part of Team That Invents a Smartwatch That Works With One Hand

October 24, 2016 — 
Scientists at Dartmouth College and the University of Manitoba are using the wrist as a human joystick.

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U of M prepares for kickoff at RoboCup 2016

Robotic soccer team wins big at RoboCup

July 11, 2016 — 
Students just finished competing at RoboCup, the world's largest and most prestigious competition for intelligent soccer robots, with more than 3,500 participants from across the globe

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Faculty of Science

Hossein Pourreza Takes Home Award from Annual High Performance Computing Symposium

June 30, 2016 — 
Hossein Pourreza was one of seven recipients honoured for their contributions in advanced research computing support

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Faculty of Science

Team of Winnipeg Computer Scientists in the Running for Manning Award

February 18, 2016 — 
Winnipeg Team Develops Robotics Simulator, gets Nominated for Manning Award

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UofM’s “Team Canada” Wins International Robot Competition Award

February 12, 2016 — 
Team from UofM's Autonomous Agents lab competes in Korea and takes home the most prestigous award

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