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Asper School of Business News Archive

Indigo Adam-Grant, from the Asper School of Business, is graduating today with a double major in marketing and entrepreneurship

Thinking more about making a difference in the world

June 8, 2018 — 
Indigo Adam-Grant, from the Asper School of Business, is graduating with a double major



Asper School of Business

Arianna Huffington to speak to students

June 4, 2018 — 
Business icon Arianna Huffington will speak with University of Manitoba students at the Asper School of Business on Tuesday, June 12.



Globe and Mail: Marijuana won’t be allowed at office parties for Manitoba civil servants

May 28, 2018 — 
“Alcohol is ingrained in our ways of doing business. Marijuana isn’t,” said Sean MacDonald, who teaches business administration at the University of Manitoba’s Asper School of Business


CBC: Winnipeg author wins $40K national First Novel Award

May 23, 2018 — 
Michael Kaan received the 2018 First Novel Award for his book The Water Beetles on Tuesday

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Faculty of Science

“Not Just a ‘Cold One’: Science on Tap Shows the Many Sides of Beer”

May 10, 2018 — 
A microbiologist, a chemist, a neuroscientist and a medieval historian walk into a brewery… No, it’s not a joke, it’s this year’s “Science on Tap”, part of Science Odyssey Week! If you’re up for beer with a side of knowledge, then this adults-only evening is a must.

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Extended Education May 2 event at Forth.

Extended Education

Smart City – Intelligent Ideas

May 9, 2018 — 
Winnipeg: Smart City-Intelligent Community was a chance to start, and continue, the conversation about how we will make our community not only Smart with its adaptation of technology, but also Intelligent in using that technology to improve people’s lives.

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2018 Distinguished Alumni Awards features graduating Faculty of Music student Elena Howard-Scott and U of M, Bison and NFL alumnus Israel Idonije

Prepare to be dazzled at the 2018 Distinguished Alumni Awards

May 9, 2018 — 
Recipients’ defining moments explored at this year’s gala celebration

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Jamie Hall [BSc/88, MBA/99].

Alumni At Home: Safety is a full-time job

May 8, 2018 — 
UM Today sat down with Jamie Hall [BSc/88, MBA/99] to talk about safe workplaces and why he’s made it a priority to reach out to young workers

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(L-R), Drs. Doug Brown, Netha Dyck, Gady Jacoby

Dean announcements

May 7, 2018 — 
The University of Manitoba is proud to announce the reappointment of the dean Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management and the appointment of a new dean for the I.H., Asper School of Business and the College of Nursing in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

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Students Ryan Churchill and Lisa Huang with Dr. David Barnard, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Manitoba.

Brushing up on generosity

April 26, 2018 — 
School of Dental Hygiene voted overwhelmingly in support of Smiles for Miles, largely because of the personal experiences they’ve had through the program, which sponsors dental care for newcomers

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