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Asper MBA News Archive


Wpg Free Press: Company coated in high hopes

March 14, 2017 — 
On to big things after winning student pitch contest

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Asper School of Business

Team Paramergent triumphs at Georgia Bowl

February 15, 2017 — 
The Asper MBA team won third place at North America's oldest MBA business planning competition


Asper School of Business

Celebrating Asper’s MBA Mentors

November 16, 2016 — 
The Asper MBA's Executive Mentorship Program was the focus at this year's MBA Program Celebration and Alumni Reception on October 20, 2016

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Asper School of Business

MBA Gala

November 14, 2016 — 
On November 5 we celebrated the success of more than 50 new Asper MBAs

Asper School of Business

Meet the Asper MBA in India

November 1, 2016 — 
We invite students in India to meet us in person and learn more about the advantages of an Asper MBA and studying in Canada

Asper School of Business

AACSB honours Asper School of Business alumna Sheri Governo for changing the world

September 26, 2016 — 
Governo and 29 other change makers were recognized last Monday as part of the 2016 AACSB Influential Leaders Challenge

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Gene Muller

Olympian at the helm

August 8, 2016 — 
Q&A with Gene Muller, the new director of athletics and recreation, about his professional and Olympic experience

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Gene Muller

Bison Sports names new Director of Athletics and Recreation

June 1, 2016 — 
Gene Muller, Olympic coach, assumes his new role at the University of Manitoba on September 1

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Asper MBA students ready to present in Malaysia

Asper School of Business

Going Global: Asper MBAs Experience Malaysia

May 16, 2016 — 
In April 2016, a group of 18 students from the Asper MBA program traveled to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to learn more about the emerging South Asian market


Asper School of Business

Alumnus named Associate Dean, College of Medicine

April 14, 2016 — 
Aaron Chiu [MBA/12] was appointed Associate Dean, Quality Improvement & Accreditation, College of Medicine on April 1, 2016

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