New to UM? Sign up for the Reading to Write program
If you’re starting at the University of Manitoba this fall, you might be feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. UM offers summer skill building sessions to help new students prepare for university. The Academic Learning Centre offers the Reading to Write program to help you get a head start on developing some of the essential academic skills you’ll need.
Reading to Write is a free, 3-week online program for incoming students or UM students who have completed fewer than 60 credits. It is a non-credit program that will have no impact on your GPA, but is eligible for recognition on the Experience Record (formerly Co-curricular Record).
This is an excellent opportunity for students to practice academic reading and writing during the summer months. The program can help you refine your academic skills, improve your writing, understand assignment expectations, and learn new strategies for tackling complex academic texts.
Online feedback from trained Academic Learning Centre tutors will help you identify your personal strengths and areas that need improvement and will help you take your academic writing to a new level.
By participating in the program, you can gain a better understanding of academic expectations and feel more confident in your ability to succeed in upcoming coursework.
Session details:
Session 1: July 3 – July 22
Register by June 15
Session 2: July 24 – August 12
Register by July 15