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Selena Randall at supervisors forum // Josh Hartlin

New supervisors forum launches this year

Registration now open

November 22, 2016 — 

University of Manitoba supervisors will get the chance to participate in a new supervisors forum that includes a total of four noon-hour sessions. Supervisors are invited to register now for the session “Shifting Patterns: Helping yourself and others move forward,” taking place January 20, 2017.

“In times of ongoing change, there are aspects of our jobs that have been done the same way for years out of convenience,” says Sandra Woloschuk, associate director, learning and organizational development. “This session will explore how supervisors can get themselves and their teams ‘unstuck.’”

At the forum, supervisors will work in small groups to identify some of the challenges they face, and then share personal experiences and lessons learned. The supervisors’ forum encourages sharing experiences and building best practices.

“It’s important for supervisors to learn from each other,” says past participant Selena Randall, associate director, planning and development, community health sciences.

“We all get too immersed in managing our own teams, but we are part of a bigger team of supervisors. I left with a couple of useful ideas that will help maintain office harmony, and I got to know a few other supervisors on campus.”

The forum is organized and facilitated by learning and organizational development (LOD), human resources, the main department that offers learning and development for university staff.

“Supervisors play a pivotal role in employee engagement, career planning and performance management,” adds Woloschuk. She notes that according to recent 2016 Gallup poll, most employees (70 per cent of respondents) feel their level of engagement at work comes primarily from their relationship with their supervisor.

The four sessions focus on topics from supervisors themselves. The first has already taken place, and was held in October. It attracted 18 participants from both campuses.

Past participant Wayne Burr, supervisor, desk-side support, information services and technology, says, “We need to know how to best acknowledge and reward the hard work that is done by our teams. I encourage all supervisors to participate in a forum.”

The supervisors forum is one series among LOD’s portfolio of over 90 workshops and sessions for the 2017 academic year.


To learn more about the supervisors’ forum, visit LOD’s website or contact David Grad, facilitator and programs coordinator, learning and organizational development at

NOTE: LOD sessions and workshops for the 2017 academic year are now open for registration. Course listing can be found here.




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