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Faculty of Science News Archive

Faculty of Science News

Meet Dr. Murray Humphries, recipient of the Faculty of Science Alumni Award 2017

January 18, 2017 — 
Dr. Humphries, one of the world’s leading researchers in the field of Environmental Physiology.

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Faculty of Science News

Meet Dr. Hersh Shefrin, recipient of the Faculty of Science Honoured Alumni Award 2017

January 18, 2017 — 
Hersh Shefrin is an expert on why people behave as they do. His writings spearheaded the development of two distinct subfields, behavioural economics and behavioural finance, which blend economics, finance, mathematics, and psychology.

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CBC: What ‘enormous’ wetland loss is costing Manitoba

January 3, 2017 — 
"A lot of people still haven't been convinced that wetlands are valuable," says University of Manitoba ecologist Gordon Goldsborough


$2.4 million in research funding for new and renewed research chairs

December 9, 2016 — 
Two new Canada Research Chairs (CRC) have been awarded to University of Manitoba and a third has been renewed

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Faculty of Science News

CBC: Killer whales eating their way farther into Manitoba

December 5, 2016 — 
Research scientist, Steven Ferguson, biological sciences, will be presenting his findings in Winnipeg this week at ArcticNet 2016, the largest single gathering of scientists focused on the rapidly changing Arctic.

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Riley Fache is fourth-year biology student in the University of Manitoba Faculty of Science who is making and marketing her own line of skin care products that are easy on the skin but also less harmful on the environment than many commercial creams and bath oils.

The environmental science of beauty

December 2, 2016 — 
Riley Fache is a fourth-year biology student who is making and marketing her own line of skin care products that are easy on the skin, but also less harmful on the environment than many commercial creams and bath oils

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Pourang Irani

Making smarter devices

November 21, 2016 — 
A big part of Pourang Irani’s job is to dream – making technology that’s often seen as science fiction a reality

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2016 Undergraduate Research Poster Competition winners

Faculty of Science News

Three Faculty of Science Students take home prizes from Undergraduate Research Poster Competition

November 2, 2016 — 
Congratulations the three students from the Faculty who took home prizes in this year's competition

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Classroom chalkboard

Research fellowship available in Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics

October 24, 2016 — 
Researchers from all faculties invited to apply

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Faculty of Science News

Wall Street Journal: Pourang Irani Part of Team That Invents a Smartwatch That Works With One Hand

October 24, 2016 — 
Scientists at Dartmouth College and the University of Manitoba are using the wrist as a human joystick.

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