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Faculty of Science News Archive

Faculty of Science News

ResearchLife: Following the Nose

February 13, 2017 — 
Luke Belding, a PhD student in Gary Anderson's lab, Biological Sciences, is exploring how free swimming, newly hatched larval Lake Sturgeon deal with rapidly changing environments. Particularly, how they will respond to increasing CO2 and temperatures scientists predict for 2100, which, since sturgeon can live to be 100, the fish being born today will experience.

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Faculty of Science News

Honoured Faculty of Science Alumni Awards Celebration

February 2, 2017 — 
On Thursday, January 26th, the Faculty of Science celebrated seven outstanding alumni at the second annual Alumni Awards event.

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Faculty of Science News

Undergraduate Computer Scientists Place in International Competitions

February 1, 2017 — 
Computer scientists from the U of M are fresh off of impressive performances in international robotics competitions overseas.


All STEAMed Up

February 1, 2017 — 
STEAM came about as a way to take what are known as the STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and incorporate Art and Design into the mix. The program endeavours to dispel the twin myths of the socially awkward, uncommunicative scientist and the self-involved, impractical artist while simultaneously using artistic creativity and practical science not only to facilitate innovation, but to make the subjects more accessible to those not currently involved with STEM.

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desk, computer, pen and paper

CTV News: U of M students working to prevent child sex abuse images from hitting internet

February 1, 2017 — 
Two student researchers at the University of Manitoba have teamed up with a Kelowna company called Two Hat Security to develop new software aimed at keeping child sexual abuse images off the internet.

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Faculty of Science News

Meet Dr. Melanie Martin, recipient of the Faculty of Science Honoured Alumni Award 2017

January 29, 2017 — 
Dr. Martin has become a visionary physicist who has pioneered the development of microscopic MRI techniques, applying them to the physiological changes in living tissues – work that has the potential to speed up and improve the diagnosis and treatment of nervous system disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Schizophrenia.

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Faculty of Science News

Meet Dr. Leslie Tari, recipient of the Faculty of Science Alumni Award 2017

January 19, 2017 — 
Dr. Leslie Tari was working comfortably as an Assistant Professor in the University of Calgary’s Department of Biological Sciences 15 years ago when he got the call that would change the trajectory of his career.

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Faculty of Science News

Meet Dr. Karl Tibelius, recipient of the Faculty of Science Honoured Alumni Award 2017

January 19, 2017 — 
Dr. Karl Tibelius has had the chance to see the world of research from both sides. He started his career in the lab as an active microbiology researcher alongside graduate students and other collaborators. Now as the Vice President of Genomics Programs for Genome Canada, a not-for-profit organization funded by the Government of Canada, he facilitates research funding support, contributing to policies and program design.

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Faculty of Science News

Meet Charles (Chuck) Loewen, recipient of the Faculty of Science Honoured Alumni Award 2017

January 19, 2017 — 
Chuck Loewen always knew he would start his own business one day. He just didn’t expect it to happen so quickly – or so successfully.

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Faculty of Science News

Meet Dr. David Bellhouse, recipient of the Faculty of Science Honoured Alumni Award 2017

January 19, 2017 — 
It wasn’t exactly luck that led Dr. David Bellhouse to discover a love for the history of statistics – but the lottery did play a large part in it.

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