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Faculty of Science News Archive

This image, taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, reveals an unusual sight: a runaway quasar fleeing from its galaxy's central hub. A quasar is the visible, energetic signature of a black hole. Black holes cannot be observed directly, but they are the energy source at the heart of quasars — intense, compact gushers of radiation that can outshine an entire galaxy. Credits: NASA, ESA, and M. Chiaberge (STScI and JHU)

Intergalactic travellers beware: Rogue black holes may be roaming about

March 24, 2017 — 
A new study by an international consortium of astronomy researchers has found that massive black holes in the center of galaxies can get “kicked out” by gravitational waves

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Poster of a fox

The Nature of Things: Foxes Create an Oasis For Other Creatures

March 23, 2017 — 
Biologist James Roth highlighted on tonight's show


Faculty of Science News

The University of Manitoba interacts with world-renowned researchers

March 14, 2017 — 
World-class research being performed at the University of Manitoba in Spin Mechanics

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Manitoba First Nations Science Fair.

Exploring science from an Indigenous perspective

March 9, 2017 — 
Hundreds of Grade 4 to Grade 12 students will be in the Max Bell Centre at the U of M on March 9 and 10 as part of the Manitoba First Nations Science Fair

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Faculty of Science News

A Lesson worth learning: One Alum’s education on preparation

March 8, 2017 — 
It’s been a long and winding road from growing up in rural Manitoba to becoming a high profile marketer and international leader for a globally successful company, but University of Manitoba alum Doug Collier (BSc, ’87) wouldn’t have taken a different path for anything.


Kristine Cowley received funding for the Human Spinal Cord Injury Research Centre for Health, Balance and Motor Control, which will -- among other things -- identify how neurons in the human spinal cord contribute to movement and how we can enhance this function after spinal cord injury.

$2.7-M investment from provincial and federal governments for new research infrastructure

March 3, 2017 — 
'These investments will inspire a new generation of young explorers in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics'

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GlycoNet: U of M based GlycoNet investigators identify novel anti-cancer agents

February 28, 2017 — 
Drs. Frank Schweizer and Gilbert Arthur, together with a team of University of Manitoba (U of M) researchers, have identified a unique way to potentially treat and cure cancer, using carbohydrate-based antitumor agents.

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Photo of Teresa de Kievit by David Lipnowski.

Faculty of Science News

Bacteria – nature’s biopesticide

February 23, 2017 — 
The research is primarily focused on investigating bacteria as a possible safe alternative to conventional agrochemical pesticides traditionally used to control plant disease

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Faculty of Science News

Fishing for bacteria in New Zealand

February 22, 2017 — 
Dr. Richard Sparling is part of an ambitious project, One Thousand Springs, that aims to characterize and catalogue the chemical and microbial diversity of 1000 geothermal hot springs on the North Island of New Zealand.

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Faculty of Science News

Canadian Science Publishing: New metalloid oxide reducing bacteria found in Manitoba’s Nopiming gold mine tailings

February 14, 2017 — 
A new study published in the Canadian Journal of Microbiology has identified new toxic metalloid-reducing bacteria in highly polluted abandoned gold mine tailings in Manitoba’s Nopiming Provincial Park.

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