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Faculty of Science News Archive

Hands on a computer keyboard

Security and privacy risks with patient portal accounts in US hospitals

May 4, 2020 — 
A research team working with Dr. Celine Latulipe in the UM Faculty of Science has found that many American hospitals may be inviting privacy violations by allowing password sharing between patients and their care providers.

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Two geese walk on the snow while roaming the University of Manitoba Fort Garry Campus.

Faculty of Science News

Reduced human activity leaves room for urban wildlife

April 21, 2020 — 
As humans limit their activity and spend more time indoors, urban animals are suddenly faced with a new, emptier environment to navigate. While the ecological urban landscape changes, some species will thrive while others might struggle.   

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International collaboration developing nanotechnology that may be used against COVID-19

March 30, 2020 — 
A new approach to stopping virus growth gives hope for new therapeutic options against seasonal influenza, bird flu and possibly COVID-19

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Flags of the world

Tracking the spread of COVID-19 across the globe

March 25, 2020 — 
Mathematician Dr. Julien Arino in the UM Faculty of Science is part of a team that received a Canada Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) grant worth $666,667 to study the spread of COVID-19

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Alumni News

The Disrupters: Alumnae who persisted in an inequitable world

March 6, 2020 — 
As this year’s International Women’s Day calls for a more gender-equal world, we’re celebrating our own UM alumnae whose perseverance led to incredible contributions for Manitoba, Canada, and the world

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Polar bears in the Western Hudson Bay area lounging on rocks

Climate change threatens iconic relationship

February 27, 2020 — 
National Polar Bear Day a somber affair this year

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Faculty of Science News

Magic Squares: Past, Present and Future

February 26, 2020 — 
New book display and exhibit at the Sciences and Technology Library


Dr. James Peebles [BSc(Hons)/58, DSc/89]

Faculty of Science News

An evening with Nobel Laureate Dr. Jim Peebles

February 7, 2020 — 
Join us for an evening with James (Jim) Peebles, professor emeritus at Princeton University 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics recipient for a discussion on dark matter, and the structure of our universe.


Raccoon in a tree

Cities negatively altering mammal evolution

February 5, 2020 — 
UM research finds that cities may be lowering mammals’ ability to evolve in response to changing environments

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Faculty of Science News

Honoured Science alumni invited back to campus to share career advice with students

January 14, 2020 — 
On Thursday, Jan. 30 the Faculty of Science celebrates outstanding alumni at the fourth annual Faculty of Science Careers in Science Pathways to Exceptional Achievement Alumni Awards event.

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