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Human Resources News Archive


Human Resources News

Please note these changes to mail delivery and pick-up

December 15, 2014 — 
A message for those who are responsible for campus mail


U of M’s ‘golden girl’ wins lifetime achievement award

December 10, 2014 — 
Brita Hall has been a Special Olympics athlete for 34 years

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students walk in front of the Administration building

Human Resources News

U of M again named one of Manitoba’s Top 25 Employers

November 24, 2014 — 
Recognized as an employer that leads as an exceptional workplace

Human Resources News

Coffee With A Co-worker: Randall Kinley

September 23, 2014 — 
"I would like to re-learn how to play the piano. My mom taught me how to play when I was eight years old but I let it go after a number of years."

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Human Resources News

FAST has a new look and feel!

September 15, 2014 — 
There are some changes to how it appears on your computer screen and how you navigate certain screens

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Human Resources News

Orientation meeters and greeters, report for duty

August 20, 2014 — 
Right this way!

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Human Resources News

Coffee With A Co-worker: Mark O’Riley

August 6, 2014 — 
U of M's 'King of Kensington': Mint tea and a zest for adventure

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Human Resources News

And the nominees are …

May 16, 2014 — 
The 2014 Support Staff Awards of Excellence

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Human Resources News

Strategic Planning Framework update, input sessions for support staff

February 28, 2014 — 
Two special meetings for Support Staff are planned

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From world stage to campus community: U of M’s own true ‘Golden Girl’

February 19, 2014 — 
Brita Hall has six gold medals to her name

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