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Faculty of Architecture News Archive

2019 SteelCase FIanlists

Faculty of Architecture News

University of Manitoba Students represent at Steelcase’s 6th annual NEXT Student Design Competition

June 26, 2019 — 
Design students far exceeded industry experts’ expectations as they competed in Steelcase’s 6th annual NEXT Student Design Competition.

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Shaheer Section Office of Sustainability Exhibit

Faculty of Architecture News

Landscape + Urbanism 3rd Year Studio on Display at the University Office of Sustainability

June 17, 2019 — 
Designs from students in Brenda Brown’s Landscape and Urbanism Studio 4 (EVLU 3008) will be on display at the University Office of Sustainability throughout the summer.

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Bianca Dahlman is the 2019 winner of the Students Leading Sustainability: Andy Kesteloo Memorial Project Award, granted by the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC).

Faculty of Architecture News

Architecture Co-op Student Earns National Green Building Award

June 13, 2019 — 
Bianca Dahlman is the 2019 winner of the Students Leading Sustainability: Andy Kesteloo Memorial Project Award, granted by the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC)

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Faculty of Architecture News

Knotting as a Spatial Practice: Murmurate

May 23, 2019 — 
Master of Interior Design students at the University of Manitoba have recently completed a two week long intensive studio that created a Birdwatching Hideout in the St Norbert Art Centre (SNAC). The installation, entitled Murmurate, engaged the craft of knotting, weaving and digital technologies. 

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Black hole // Image: NASA

Discovery research and training supported

May 21, 2019 — 
$13.7 million in new funding announced

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2019 Distinguished Alumni Award recipients (l-r) Lindy Norris, Marcia Nozick, Romel Dhalla, Gemma Dalayoan, Dr. Hersh Shefrin

2019 Distinguished Alumni Awards Celebration of Excellence

May 8, 2019 — 
On May 8, 2019, at the University of Manitoba Distinguished Alumni Awards, five new recipients were welcomed

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Reading a book. Trees in the background. // Image from Pixabay

Alumni News

10 inspiring books to read this summer

May 7, 2019 — 
We asked our alumni and UM community to tell us about the most inspiring books they’ve ever read and they answered with an eclectic list

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Faculty of Architecture News

HTFC Establishes New Canadian Indigenous Design and Planning Fellowship

April 23, 2019 — 
HTFC Establishes New Fellowship at University of Manitoba to celebrate their 50th anniversary.

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President's student leadership program

President’s Student Leadership Program announces first cohort of students

April 11, 2019 — 
Twenty-seven successful candidates from across Manitoba have been selected to participate in the first cohort of the President’s Student Leadership Program


Faculty of Architecture News

2019 Year End Exhibition

April 10, 2019 — 
The annual Year End Exhibition will be held on April 26th, 2019 from 6:30pm - 11:00pm. Everyone is welcome!


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