Employees can use premium payments for Healthcare Spending Account reimbursement
Check Employee Self Service for online statement and more information
All faculty and staff eligible for Group Insurance Benefits should check their Employee Self Service for their online statement outlining premium payments employees made under their health plan from April 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017.
These paid premiums can be claimed by employees under the Healthcare Spending Account (HCSA) for 100% reimbursement if employees have not exceeded their limit. HCSA limits are $725 per year for full-time faculty and staff and $510 for part-time faculty and staff.
Employees who make a claim for reimbursement must submit a copy of the statement along with a claim form to Great West Life. If either document is missing, reimbursement will be denied.
Any unreimbursed amount from the Health Care Spending Account may be eligible to be claimed under the medical expense tax credit on an individual’s annual income tax return.
For a small group of employees, those who have been on an unpaid leave of absence from April 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017, a separate dental statement for premiums paid will be provided.
To access the online statements, go to Employee Self Service through JUMP. Click on the tab ‘Staff’ or ‘Faculty’ and then the top link ‘Employee Self Service.’ Once re-directed to Employee Self Service, click on the top tab ‘My Benefits’ and then you will see the ‘Premium Confirmation Statements’ at the bottom left of the page.
The HCSA claim forms can be obtained from the Compensation and Benefits website.
Any questions can be directed to the Compensation and Benefits office, SB-GROUP-INSURANCE [at] lists [dot] umanitoba [dot] ca or (204) 474-7428.