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Services and supports for students News Archive

A person works on a computer with two monitor screens.


Get experience and get paid with Level UP

July 2, 2024 — 
It can sometimes be challenging for students to access learning opportunities beyond their coursework. Level UP is changing that reality, with a new program that connects you to employers for a paid opportunity to learn new skills and broaden your horizons.



Need academic English support? Enroll in part-time Academic English Courses

September 5, 2022 — 
Supporting students by providing them with the tools and strategies they need to master academic English language skills

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An excited student stands outside on the Fort Garry campus holding a UM clipboard. A bus retreats in the background.


Top 10 tips for a successful Fall Term 2022

September 1, 2022 — 
New and returning students, welcome to Fall Term!

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Student in mask in Campo


Get the kind of support you need: Mental health resources for students

November 29, 2021 — 
Whether you are looking to add some tools to your coping toolkit or are in need of immediate help, we want you to know that there is support for you, right at this moment, regardless of your level of need

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Sunflowers in a field during sunset


Stress toolkit for students

June 28, 2021 — 
It can be very challenging to handle stress without the proper tools! It’s important to develop strategies to combat these feelings so that we’re well-equipped when they present themselves.


student in sweatshirt working on a laptop at a picnic bench


Six strategies to support an effective summer job search

June 24, 2021 — 
Are you looking for a summer job? There are many approaches and resources to support your search!


Graduating student in cap and gown


Spring Convocation – how to use the new platform

June 7, 2021 — 
To help you navigate UM’s new virtual event platform, we’ve put together a few tips and tricks on how to make this Convocation memorable for you and everyone you invite.



UM’s First Year Experience helps new students prepare for the journey ahead

June 4, 2021 — 
This summer, First Year Experience is back and better than ever to help the newest members of our campus community feel connected to their university and to their peers.


someone working on a computer applying for a job


Conducting a resilient job search during the second summer of COVID

May 25, 2021 — 
A collection of resources, tools and self-care insights for students

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University Centre in spring


English Language Centre – helping students thrive at UM

May 21, 2021 — 
Along with providing tools and strategies that help students improve their oral and written communication skills, ELC programs build self-confidence and can support students who are adjusting to a new cultural environment.


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Emergency: 204-474-9341