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Headshot of Reanna Merasty

UM Alum Reanna Merasty elected to the Board of Governors

May 22, 2024 — 

The votes have been counted and UM alumni have selected Reanna Merasty [BEnvD/19, MArch/21] as their next alumni representative for the UM Board of Governors

“I have always seen myself having a greater role at the university,” explains Merasty. “When it was suggested to me by a friend and fellow UM grad to run on a platform of Indigenous representation, I knew I had to accept.”

More than 2400 votes were cast online, and Merasty was chosen from the list of four candidates. Having graduated in the last five years, she brings both a strong Indigenous perspective and a younger generational point of view to the Board.

“Ekosi (thank you) for your support,” says Merasty. “I hope that I can represent the UM Alumni community to the best of my abilities. I hope to bring an Indigenous perspective and continue advocating for Indigenous inclusion and representation. I also hope to bring a young person’s perspective.”

Merasty is a proud Nihithaw artist, writer, and advocate from Barren Lands First Nation and an Architectural Intern with Number TEN Architectural Group. Merasty received a Master of Architecture and a Bachelor of Environmental Design from UM and she has dedicated her career to amplifying Indigenous voices in architecture.

“The UM was where I gained my confidence in speaking up and using my voice,” recalls Merasty. “It was where I found comfort in the Indigenous student community and made Migizii Agamik my home. It was where I co-founded the Indigenous Design and Planning Student Association, co-edited a book, and organized many initiatives in the Faculty of Architecture. This advocacy has continued in my professional career and in national organizations. The UM was also where I developed a passion for education, curriculum, and developing a welcoming space for young people.”

As a professional, Merasty is on the project team for Wehwehneh Bahgahkinahgohn, a transformation of the historic Hudson’s Bay building in downtown Winnipeg for Southern Chiefs’ Organization, and other Indigenous community-centered projects. 

She is the Chair of the Welcoming Winnipeg Committee with the City of Winnipeg, guiding the process of renaming place names and creating historical markers to reflect Indigenous histories, a sessional Instructor in the UM’s Department of Architecture, and the Manitoba Regional Director on the Royal Architecture Institute of Canada Board of Directors.  

Merasty will serve as the Board of Governors alumni representative for a three-year term beginning June 1, 2024.

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