University of Manitoba student named a McCall MacBain Scholar
University of Manitoba chemistry student Katherine Bazin is one of 20 Canadians who will join the fourth cohort of McCall MacBain Scholars at McGill University.
The McCall MacBain Scholarships are Canada’s largest leadership-based scholarships for master’s and professional studies. They are the result of a landmark $200 million gift in 2019 by John and Marcy McCall MacBain, the then-largest single donation in the country’s history. Designed to encourage purposeful leadership, the scholarships enable students to pursue a fully funded master’s or professional degree while participating in mentorship, coaching, and a leadership development program.
More than 700 Canadians applied for the scholarships. Of those, 159 participated in a first round of regional interviews in November and December, and 55 attended final interviews in Montreal. Every scholar participated in six different interviews over the course of seven months.
“I was getting ready to head to class when I received the news,” said Bazin. “I thought my heart would be racing but instead I felt overwhelming gratitude and peace. I think it’s still sinking in that I’ll be part of this community of incredibly dedicated and passionate individuals.”
Recipients were chosen based on exceptional character, community engagement, leadership potential, entrepreneurial spirit, academic strength, and intellectual curiosity.
Bazin co-leads communications for the Electrochemical Society student chapter, organizes educational and volunteering opportunities for her sorority, and sings alto in a community choir. Bazin also worked as a recreation support worker at a rehabilitation centre supporting teens with disabilities. In addition, she is a workshop instructor for a science outreach program. She spent a summer assisting with research on electrochemical detection of chemoresistance in cancer. For her master’s degree at McGill, Bazin hopes to pursue electrochemistry for environmental and women’s health applications.
“To me, this scholarship means more opportunities to grow as a leader and collaborate with other scholars in understanding how we can enrich each others’ perspectives on current global issues,” said Bazin.
“These students inspire us with their compassion and drive,” said Dr. Marcy McCall MacBain, Chair of the McCall MacBain Scholarships at McGill. “Our shared mission is to provide them with an unparalleled graduate education, leadership development opportunities, mentors and lifelong connections. We hope to accelerate their ability to make an impact in communities across Quebec, Canada, and around the world.”
The new cohort consists of 20 Canadians and 10 international students. The McCall MacBain Scholarships at McGill also offered 117 entrance awards ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 each to top candidates who were not selected for the cohort.

Matthew Band
University of Manitoba student Matthew Band was also a national contender for this award, earning a McCall MacBain Finalist Award valued at $10,000.
Applications will open in June 2024 for the 2025 cohort. More information about the McCall MacBain Scholarships can be found at mccallmacbainscholars.org.