Evelyn L Forget, recipient of the 2022 Dr. John M. Bowman Rh Institute Award
UM researchers recognized with Rh Awards
On May 29 eight UM faculty members were recognized at the Rh Awards ceremony, featuring a special presentation by Bowman Award recipient Evelyn L Forget. For more than 50 years, the Rh Awards have been in place to support the advancement of knowledge across disciplines at UM. Funds for the Rh Awards come from the royalties of serums and medical formulae invented and perfected at UM.
“The Rh Awards are a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of our outstanding researchers across disciplines at UM,” says Mario Pinto, Vice-President (research & International). “The exemplary presentation by Dr. Forget, emphasized the return on investment and avoided costs to society with guaranteed basic income for all Canadians. Her lecture on Monday and previous appearance on the president’s What’s the Big Idea podcast beautifully illustrate why she is so highly deserving of this prestigious award.”
Awards are given in two categories: The Dr. John M. Bowman Memorial Winnipeg Rh Institute Foundation Award, awarded to one established faculty member annually and the Terry G. Falconer Memorial Rh Institute Foundation Emerging Researcher Awards, awarded to seven early career faculty members.

Evelyn Forget presents at the Rh Awards.
Evelyn L Forget, professor of community health sciences at Max Rady College of Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences is the recipient of the Dr. John M. Bowman Memorial Winnipeg Rh Institute Foundation Award in recognition of the important impacts of her work to improve the lives of Canadians living in poverty. As a health economist, Forget has gained international renown for advancing anti-poverty initiatives such as guaranteed basic income.
Terry G. Falconer Memorial Rh Institute Foundation Emerging Researcher Award recipients are:
Applied Sciences – Dr. Amine Mezghani (electrical & computer engineering) investigates signal processing in wireless communication. His innovative work seeks to enhance the capacity, efficiency and sustainability of wireless communication systems. Mezghani’s ultimate goal is to develop new techniques to address the challenges posed by the growing complexity of data transmission.
Health Sciences – Dr. Mandy Archibald (nursing) is working to improve the care of youth and families with chronic illness and disabilities. Her research program seeks to develops integrative research methods to improve patient care.
Humanities – Dr. Sean Carleton (history & Indigenous studies) studies the history of Canada’s Indian Residential School system, the relationship between settler colonialism and capitalism, and residential school denialism. Carleton is a specialist in cultivating understanding of In
digenous histories and experiences among Canadians.
Interdisciplinary – Dr. Marcos Cordeiro (animal science) uses digital tools to improve the productivity and sustainability of agricultural systems. His modeling efforts employ drone-mounted hyper-spectral sensors and indoor positioning systems to encompass the entire data life cycle. Cordeiro’s multidisciplinary research program includes colleagues from computer, plant, animal, soil, and environmental sciences, as well as engineering.
Natural Sciences – Dr. Richard Mikaël Slevinsky (mathematics) studies spectral methods and orthogonal polynomials. His work is focused on the development of new spectral methods and the creation of free, open-source software to make these methods accessible to the scientific community.
Social Sciences (two recipients):
Dr. Kristin Reynolds (psychology) is working to improve mental health in older adults, perinatal people and healthcare providers working with these populations. She uses innovative research methods to increase access to evidence-based mental health information and services.
Dr. Benjamin Schellenberg (kinesiology and recreation management) explores how meaningful activities impact psychological well-being. His research focuses on the construct of passion and works to maximize positive experiences in sport. Schellenberg conducts research with various populations, including athletes, sports fans, exercisers, students, and gamblers.
To learn more about research excellence at UM, visit our Awards and Recognition webpage.

2022 Rh Award presenters and honourees (l-r): Juliette Cooper, Peter Nickerson, Mandy Archibald, Kristin Reynolds, Mario Pinto, Evelyn Forget, Mikaël Slevinsky, Benjamin Schellenberg, Amine Mezghani, Marcos Cordeiro, Diane Hiebert-Murphy. (Sean Carleton not pictured)
Research at the University of Manitoba is partially supported by funding from the Government of Canada Research Support Fund.