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Student success News Archive


Adapt to achieve: advice from one student’s success journey

March 10, 2025 — 
Physical geography student Jaydon Svensson offers insights from his own educational path over the last few years at UM.

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How UM libraries can smooth the graduate research grind

February 27, 2025 — 
The University of Manitoba librarians offer one-to-one appointments, drop-in sessions, and both live and recorded workshops to help with research and writing components of graduate programs.

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Participants listening to a presenter at session two of The Centre's Teaching and Learning Colloquium Series.

Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning

Reducing barriers to supporting international students

February 27, 2025 — 
International students face unique challenges adapting to living and studying abroad. The success rate of many international student can be improved by accessing UM resources and supports. Yet, international students’ stereotype of how Canadian faculty, staff, and students stereotype them, a metastereotype, can be barrier to them seeking supports.

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Photo of Edgar Galeano smiling

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

A desire to learn brought Edgar Galeano from Colombia to Winnipeg

February 13, 2025 — 
Dr. Edgar Galeano says learning something new is what makes him feel alive. It’s part of the reason why he paused his 20-plus-year career as a doctor in Columbia, to come to Winnipeg and study in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management.

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Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning

Responding to students’ changing needs to foster academic success

January 9, 2025 — 
Join us on Thursday, February 6, 2025, for the second session of the Teaching and Learning Research Colloquium Series.

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Three student volunteers greet new students at orientation. They stand in front of an inflatable University of Manitoba arch and hold signs that say "We are all Bisons"


Trailbreakers and impact makers: standout student success stories of 2024

November 29, 2024 — 
UM students have been making an impact in Manitoba and around the world. Check out the year’s top stories showcasing student accomplishments in academics, community impact and personal pursuits.

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Students in the Elizabeth Dafoe Library


How libraries can help students’ writing

November 29, 2024 — 
When students think about the library, they may mostly think of stacks or a quiet study space, but the library is also a great place to find support when preparing written assignments. In fact, librarians themselves play an important role in supporting students with their academic writing.

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Students in a group studying in the Elizabeth Dafoe Library


Finding space to study

November 22, 2024 — 
Elizabeth Dafoe Library offers lots of study spaces, however it is also the largest and busiest library on campus. As the Fall Term comes to an end and final exams approach, it can seem overwhelming to find a space to sit down and study in the library. For those that are new to campus, it may be difficult to find the right study space for their needs. For those looking for study spaces, read on! UM has many options.

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Student working on laptop at ALC Grad Writing Workshop


Academic Integrity and you

November 13, 2024 — 
October 16th was the International Day of Action for Academic Integrity. The University of Manitoba is a member of the International Centre for Academic Integrity, an organization dedicated to promoting and upholding academic integrity in universities. As a student, what does academic integrity mean? How can you understand and apply the principles of academic integrity to your studies?

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Students in wiritng tutor workshop


Writing Tutors are here to help with your assignments!

October 29, 2024 — 
The semester is quickly flying by. We are more than halfway through the first term, and for many that means it’s time to start submitting assignments and term papers. For new students, this may be a lot to process at once, and for returning students, who may be taking more advanced courses, there may be an adjustment period for the new workloads. It is the season for papers. Instead of stressing and rushing to meet deadlines alone, know that there are those who can support students in their writing skills at the University of Manitoba.

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