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Dr. Kenneth MacKendrick (Head, Department of Religion) speaking at the 2024 Teaching Learning Research Colloquium

Responding to students’ changing needs to foster academic success

Discover strategies to support basic psychological needs of students with learning disabilities

January 9 — As more students with learning disabilities pursue postsecondary education, the needs of the UM student population continue to evolve. When needs are not met, students with learning disabilities are more likely to trail behind their peers in academic achievement and graduation rates.

Join us on Thursday, February 6, 2025, for the second session of the Teaching and Learning Research Colloquium Series. Dr. Lauren Goegan (Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology, Faculty of Education) will share her research about inclusive pedagogies and strategies to nurture success of students with learning disabilities more effectivity. Goegan and her team explore how basic psychological needs, such as autonomy, relatedness, and competence, impact postsecondary success. 

The Teaching and Learning Research Colloquium Series hosted by The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (The Centre) is one way The Centre supports advancing pedagogies that respond to the diverse needs of learners. The colloquium series creates an opportunity for UM faculty to share their knowledge, research and success stories within the UM instructional community to empower learners. 

The Colloquium Series was designed “to provide an opportunity for faculty and higher education professionals to gather and talk about students’ support needs, barriers students may face in seeking help, and effective strategies for supporting and enhancing student learning,” says Dr. Matthew Quesnel, Colloquium Series Chair and Faculty Specialist – Science of Teaching and Learning, The Centre. 

A final session for 2024-2025 academic year, focusing on Metastereotypes and Help-seeking Among International Students, will take place in early March.

Register for Fostering Success: Addressing Basic Psychological Needs for Students with Learning Disabilities in Postsecondary Settings.

Location: Room 325, Education Building 
Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025 
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Session details: 25-minute presentation, followed by discussion and refreshments.

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