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Staff News Archive

group of staff and faculty at Brokenhead Wetland Interpretive trail

Summer Institute on Literacy in Indigenous Content open to UM faculty and staff

March 14, 2025 — 
The Summer Institute on Literacy in Indigenous Content is an enriching professional development opportunity for UM faculty and staff.

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Collage of computer, cell phone and circuit board


Digital Cleanup at UM: Reducing our digital footprint

March 10, 2025 — 
Digital Cleanup Day is March 15, 2025, and all faculty, staff and students are encouraged to clean up their digital items.

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Dr. Madeleine Orr


Climate change is changing sport: find out how at Sustainability Night 2025

February 6, 2025 — 
The Manitoba Marathon cancelled due to heat in 2022. A shortened cross-country ski season because there wasn’t enough snow in 2024. These are just two examples of how climate change is changing sport. If you look globally, there are many more.  Dr. Madeleine Orr, a world-leading sports ecologist will give the keynote address at the University of Manitoba’s Sustainability Night on Feb. 27, with her talk titled 'Climate change vs. sport: Keeping the score on adaptation and activism'. 

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Two Black students smiling, at the Asper School of Business

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Black Flourishing at UM

January 29, 2025 — 
From bookclubs and podcasts to keynote speeches and panel discussions, the 2024-25 Promoting Black Flourishing Fund showcase the creativity and diversity of the Black community at UM.

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Human Resources

Making connections, sharing skills

January 29, 2025 — 
The recently launched UM Skills Sharing program provides knowledge sharing and training opportunities for support staff across faculties and units at the University of Manitoba. Through upskilling and cross-training, support staff can enhance their skill sets to work more effectively, expand their knowledge of UM and strengthen their connections within the UM community.

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A group of people wearing bison hats with horns, standing with Billy the Bison and holding signs that say "We are all Bisons" and a large University of Manitoba banner.

UM shines bright at the Manitoba Hydro Santa Claus Parade 

December 11, 2024 — 
The University of Manitoba illuminated downtown Winnipeg with Bison pride during the Manitoba Hydro Santa Claus Parade on Saturday, November 16.

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Workshop participants sit around a large table with notebooks and binders.

Human Resources

Upgrade your skills at work

December 10, 2024 — 
Learning & Organizational Development (LOD) has announced that registration is open for January 2025 workshops.

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16 people pose for a photo on a stage. A photographer is taking their photo from ground level. Three people in the crowd are taking photos on their phones.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Dentistry, dental hygiene Awards Evening honours achievements

November 26, 2024 — 
The hard work and dedication of students, faculty and staff took centre stage at the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry and School of Dental Hygiene Awards Evening on Nov. 20. 

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Fort Garry campus people walking


Making UM more sustainable for everyone

November 19, 2024 — 
The University of Manitoba is refreshing its sustainability strategy. 

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Kim Le, Jisselle Buan, Karen Soares and Genelee Celestial-Dela Cruz.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Rady Faculty launches innovative talent management plan to recruit, retain and promote support staff

November 18, 2024 — 
The Rady Faculty of Health Sciences recently launched a talent management program to provide support staff with opportunities for development, training and career advancement. 

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