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Science News Archive

Sea lamprey mouth

Beware of Manitoba’s ‘vampire’

October 19, 2017 — 
It’s out there. Lurking, ready to feast on the blood of its victims, like the mythological vampire

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Alumnus contributes to major discovery in physics that won Nobel Prize

October 4, 2017 — 
Michael Landry, PhD in Physics from the UofM, is Detection Lead Scientist at LIGO's Hanford facility

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Faculty of Science

Bullseye! Robotics lab hits the mark at Taiwan 2017 HuroCup

September 7, 2017 — 
The Autonomous Agents Laboratory in the University of Manitoba’s Department of Computer Science won big at last month’s FIRA HuroCup humanoid robot competition, walking away with three medals: two gold and one silver.

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Faculty of Science

Nothing But Blue Sky: How Research for Its’ Own Sake Can Change the World

September 6, 2017 — 
Barrie Reece, CPhys, FinstP, was a post graduate student in the 60s who invented a superconducting solenoid/magnet, that unbeknownst to him, would later become the basis of the design for the first MRI machines.

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Faculty of Science

The making of “Persistence & Vision”: an adventure in both

September 1, 2017 — 
When BSc student Mahalia Lepage (Genetics, ‘16) was asked by STEAM Coordinator Seema Goel to create an animated video about undergrad research, she knew she had her work cut out for her. It wasn’t that Lepage lacked an interest in the subject; it’s that she had never actually done any animation before.

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Faculty of Science

Going with her gut: Dr. Emma Allen-Vercoe explains why microbes aren’t the enemy

July 14, 2017 — 
Normal human gut microbiota are currently one of the least understood parts of the human body, having been previously virtually ignored by the research community.

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Faculty of Science

Video: New research provides a detailed method for “An all-on-chip method for rapid neutrophil chemotaxis analysis directly from a drop of blood”

June 29, 2017 — 
A new research video produced by JoVE explains the work of the U of M’s Immunotrafficking Lab, led by Francis Lin of the University’s Department of Physics and Astronomy.

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Faculty of Science

A Passion for Numbers: Associate Professor of Statistics Alexandre Leblanc’s First Love Remains Constant

June 9, 2017 — 
Associate Professor Alex Leblanc, Department of Statistics reflects on his passion for good data.

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Faculty of Science

Adding It All Up: Stats Alum Reid Linney and the Power of Choice

May 31, 2017 — 
Fifty years after the Department of Statistics was founded at the University of Manitoba, alum Reid Linney (Statistics, ’73) is reminiscing about how he spent his free time during his second year.

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Faculty of Science

Coffee to go, Swedish style: math student Colin Desmarais enters PhD program at prestigious Uppsala University

May 25, 2017 — 
Sweden will be a big change for the Manitoba born and bred Desmarais, who began his MSc studies here at the University of Manitoba in Fall 2015. Under the supervision of Mathematics Assistant Professor Dr. David Gunderson.

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