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Research and International News Archive

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Innovative research and ‘disruption’ highlights of Helen Glass Research Symposium

March 25, 2019 — 
Changing health systems to make them more inclusive to vulnerable people was the focus for the 2019 Helen Glass Lecture, held, fittingly at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

The science of spit

March 22, 2019 — 
Dentistry prof Dr. Colin Dawes is a global expert at studying slobber

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Frank Deer

Research and International

Helping Canadian schools support Indigenous language learning

March 22, 2019 — 
The language we speak influences how we see the world. Its expressions and nuances bear cultural and historical significance. To lose our language is to lose a piece of our identity.


Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

‘Important investment’ benefits College of Nursing research

March 21, 2019 — 
Two researchers from the College of Nursing are celebrating an investment of over $1.8 million from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) for three projects that will support child, youth, maternal and Indigenous health in Canada.

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Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Dual purpose value of perennial forage grain for food and feed focus of a new study

March 19, 2019 — 
New study reveals dual purpose of perennial forage grain

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President David Barnard with winners of the 2019 3MT Competition, and Dr. Todd Mondor, Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

3MT winner takes first step toward regional finals

March 19, 2019 — 
A student who is developing a way to test heart health through a simple stepping exercise impressed a prestigious panel of judges at the Three-Minute Thesis competition

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Food Systems Research Group

FSRG talk – Protecting Canada’s crops using next-generation molecular fungicides

March 19, 2019 — 
March 28 FSRG talk: Mark Belmonte shares cutting edge research on next-generation molecular fungicides

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Researcher focuses on strength training for all youth

March 18, 2019 — 
Joanne Parsons’ research is mostly focused on the use of strength and resistance training to prevent injury in young athletes. But she has recently been drawn to the use of this training for youth who aren’t athletes.

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Front row (l-r): Recipients Aaron Marshall, Michael Czubryt, Roberta Woodgate (CRC), Kellie Thiessen and Elder Katherine Whitecloud (Assembly of First Nations) (back row, l-r): Recipients Frank Schweizer and Brian Mark, MP Terry Duguid, UM VP Research & International Digvir Jayas, and recipients Ian Dixon, Leslie Roos and Benedict Albensi.

Celebrating the achievements of cutting-edge researchers

March 15, 2019 — 
$10.4M in funding for U of M researchers is part of a national investment by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to support researchers studying full spectrum of health issues

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Brown Chaca Canyon 1

Faculty of Architecture

Minding the Ground; Hearing the Wind: Chaco Canyon

March 14, 2019 — 
Minding the Ground; Hearing the Wind: Chaco Canyon, a solo exhibition by Associate Professor Brenda Brown


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