UM Today UM Today University of Manitoba UM Today UM Today UM Today

Research and International News Archive

Science Exposed – visiting exhibit

October 1, 2019 — 
A national exhibit of research images is on display this week


Sources of climate science

September 30, 2019 — 
CEOS scholar will be taking part in MOSAiC, the largest polar expedition ever conceived

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Undergraduate research poster competition

Research and International

Calling all undergrad researchers!

September 30, 2019 — 
Registration for the annual Undergraduate Research Poster Competition are now open. This is an opportunity for undergraduate students who have participated in research to showcase and present the work they have conducted with their advisors over the past year.

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The Ebola virus

Ebola survivors can pass on the virus through sexual activity

September 30, 2019 — 
Re-emergence of Ebola disease is linked to persistent infections and sexual transmission from survivors

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Canadian money. // Photo: KMR Photography/flickr

What election tax promises will mean for your wallet

September 27, 2019 — 
One of the battle lines that seems to be emerging is which party can convince Canadians they are the best stewards for prosperity, and taxation is one tool politicians think they can use to influence the economy and make life fairer for Canadians

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Hand raised to protect against violence

Wpg Free Press: National study seeks domestic-violence survivors

September 26, 2019 — 
Researchers are looking for people with experiences that occurred between 2006 and 2016


Dr. Yipu Wang, with PhD students Jinwei Rao, Ying Yang discuss their microwave discovery

UM researchers create ‘Romulan Cloaking Device’

September 24, 2019 — 
Dr. Yipu Wang and PhD students in the Faculty of Science have made a nonreciprocal microwave device that is completely opaque for microwaves traveling in one direction

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Arctic water. // Image from Pixabay.

Microplastics may affect how Arctic sea ice forms and melts

September 24, 2019 — 
Plastic pollution in the oceans has become an important societal problem, as plastics are the most common and persistent pollutants in oceans and beaches worldwide

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Ross Feldman (left) and Thomas Hack were inducted into CAHS

Duo inducted into Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

September 20, 2019 — 
Drs. Ross Feldman and Thomas Hack were inducted as Fellows into the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) at an induction ceremony held in Ottawa

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Summer student views test tube of gold nanoparticles

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Research experience worth its weight in gold

September 19, 2019 — 
No to the beach, yes to science - pharmacy student on the value of summer studies

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