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Research and International News Archive

Falun Dafa the fifth exercise, meditation // Photo: longtrekhome, Pixabay

Cold Genocide: Falun Gong in China

August 14, 2018 — 
Social work professor Maria Cheung and alumnus David Matas, international human rights lawyer, have written one of the most impactful articles on a genocide currently taking place that few talk -- or even know -- about  

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The University of Manitoba campus

International student health coverage FAQs updated

August 14, 2018 — 
New information about the international student health coverage for the 2018-2019 academic year

Demonstration at the Red Cross Emergency Ambulance Station in Washington, D.C., during the influenza pandemic of 1918 // Photo: Library of Congress

U of M researchers decode the Spanish Flu, advance in microbial ‘arms race’

August 14, 2018 — 
They found that the Spanish Flu, unlike other flu viruses, induced specific and unique changes early in infection

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a balck and white image of a child's smile

Tooth decay, diabetes and sleep apnea: three U of M research projects recently funded by CIHR

August 14, 2018 — 
It will allow dedicated researchers to advance the science that will benefit the entire population

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Deep dive

August 13, 2018 — 
At embryonic stages, humans and fish have more in common than you might think.

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water wetland reeds

Saving our wetlands

August 13, 2018 — 
Soil science professor David Lobb is part of a “dream team of investigators” looking into a project of critical importance to the Canadian landscape

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Asprin // Daniel Foster, Flickr

An aspirin a day may keep HIV away, U of M study finds

August 9, 2018 — 
“These are highly promising results,” said the study’s lead author, Keith Fowke

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Admin Building

The Western Producer: The knowledge worker quandary

August 7, 2018 — 
Digvir Jayas, research and international vice-president at the University of Manitoba, also believes Canada is over-reliant on resources, but he uses different words to describe the problem


The burrowing owl // Photo: Jennie Horvat

For grassland bird conservation, it’s not the size that matters

August 7, 2018 — 
U of M researchers uncover something unusual that will help us save grassland birds

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Global News: U of M lab cooking up healthy snacks

July 27, 2018 — 
Students from 10 different countries have come to Canada this summer to work on different projects. One project, in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, involves using leftover bread crumbs and combining them with yellow peas to make a healthy version of Chee-tos.

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